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    Where Is The Faq?

    What do you mean? African or European Swallow?
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    Gpsp .cht Files

    does the wiz version support .cht files? i cant get them to work its so very frustrating! -Thx for the hlp last post i did on this topic became none access-able so i just made a new one
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    Gameboy Advance: Gpsp Problem

    i get white screened with pokemon emerald and sapphire and i can confirm the classic nes games
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    3D Gba Games

    yeah when i read this i reinstalled the emu no it works but cut scenes are 30(20)ish
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    Gmenu2X Question

    reminds me off the screen of lies in diablo 2
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    Itunes Aac File Reader

    so my ipod mini from 2004 finally kick the bucket and now i need a replacement but after just buying my wiz im kinda dry so i was wondering is there anyway to emulate a ipod so you can sync to itunes and read aac files. If that hasn't been made yet is there any alt media players on the wiz that...
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    Wiz Firmware Version?

    i got mine yesterday and it was 222
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    3D Gba Games

    one game i cant even get over 7fps is sword of mana its the pits lol