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  1. S

    I Sense Some Ligitation...

    Me and my reading things too quickly... :wacko:
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    I Sense Some Ligitation... Today on one of my random Google tangents I stumbled on this patent, which was approved less than a month ago. It was submitted in 2003, so I'm not sure if its holder (Steve Roth, who I hadn't heard of but apparently worked at HP at some point)...
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    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    This is getting a little off-topic, but I haven't ever used a Mac that didn't crash at some point. Maybe that's because I've only ever touched about three Macs ;) After my first encounter with them, I made a habit of attempting to crash every one I used - and let me tell you, the look on their...
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    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    He'd have a hard time making people believe that since he's a MACrap, and everyone knows "Macs don't crash". <-- Total BS!!! Sadly, most iKids (composing much of the audience of the 3G4 spectacle) believe that statement... Well, there goes my platform-neutral reputation*... I still can't...
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    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    Another two videos that don't prove anything. I don't really understand his motives, though - you would think if it was fake he would have disappeared or something... On the other hand, if this was real, there are about 300 questions he hasn't answered (and probably won't), which he should have...
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    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    Two (?) reasons: 1) Same first name, although I'm not totally sure what NWorksDev's real last name is; 2) NWorksDev told me he lived in Phoenix, AZ when I thought he was from Long Beach, CA (long story, someone commented on his skater account, ngskate888, and said his last name was Garcia, which...
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    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    WHAT??? The same person that made the 3G4 videos was the same person who made the "it's a fake" video? YouTube user movingincircles, the same username on that site...
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    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    I still see his first video up...
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    Nworksdev N64 Emulator On Iphone

    Not that this should surprise anyone, but he's deleting comments like crazy - I saw Craig's comment on his channel - a minute later I refresh the page, and what do you know... Gone. He also disabled comments on at least 2 videos, which I think he later made private or deleted. /end Captain...
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    N64 Emulator In The Work For Pandora

    Here it is. edit: Mario Kart had a white screen with glN64 (the rest worked), so I just did a better Mario 64 video.
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    N64 Emulator In The Work For Pandora

    Thanks Ari64! This is why I ended up not writing my own... I know even less than I thought! I'm compiling it as we speak. I have a better camera now, so I'll be making another video soon. And maybe a Mario Kart 64 demo too! Come to think of it, MK64 did crash before - I wonder why... edit...
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    N64 Emulator In The Work For Pandora

    Ari64: Here's what I replaced the UXTH line (and its corresponding outupt_w32 line) in emit_andimm() with: assem_debug("mov %s,%s asl #16",regname[rt],regname[rs]); assem_debug("mov %s,%s lsr #16",regname[rt],regname[rs]); output_w32(0xe1a00000|rd_rn_rm(rt,0,rs))...
  13. S

    N64 Emulator In The Work For Pandora

    Hey! I made a crappy video of Super Mario 64 running on an IPAQ H2210 running Ubuntu! I plan on re-doing it when I get a REAL camera, but until then, feast your eyes on it! I had to change two lines of assembly to make it work: I replaced the Thumb-2...