I know that pandora 2 talk is frowned upon and I understand but just to let my imagination run wild for a sec. Imagine a few years from now when intel has a superior version of the atom available. Now imagine the pandoras controller with an atom inside. Thats why I support this project and I...
I dont think a home console would work for all the reasons stated above. Whats makes pandora special is the controls and the open nature of it. To me its what I thought the PSP would be eventually after homebrew got into it full blown but unfortunatly the PSP has hardware limitations. Plus no...
Well while we are dreaming..........
HDMI/DVI some kind of digital video out (Display port)
Full USB (3.0 if available)
AMOLED display
More powerful hardware of course like a multicore processor and better gpu
Bigger screen
( I dont know how it would be possible but maybe minimizing the...
I just wanted to know if I had the option to bypass the internal DAC completely. Ill see how the internal DAC sounds but I think once you go amped its hard to go back. Im all for not carrying around one more thing regardless of how small the amp is though.
Ya head-fi forums killed my wallet. E500 and E530 are identical. Only diffrence is the accesory kit they come with. Audio is a very subjective thing but I will gladly give you my observations. It sort of makes everything crisper and clearer. Brings everything forward a bit. Its like removing a...
Before I get flamed by somebody I did search through the forums to try to find an answer to the following question and turned up empty. I have a small portable amp with a DAC built in that connects via usb to any windows computer. It is this one in particular RSA Predator There are several very...
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