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  1. D

    Windows 7 For Arm?

    Actually, there is no reason you couldn't charge for copies. From the terms and conditions of the GPL, term #4 in GPL V3 "You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee." and term 1 in GPL V2 "You may charge a fee...
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    Commercial Games

    Unfortunately that is not the case. Most modern codecs are covered by patents, and are therefore they are typically subject to licensing fees.
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    Power, Charging, Etc

    The Pandora battery is 4000mAh at 3.7V. If I did the math right, that would mean the charger has enough power to charge the Pandora battery approximately 50% once you take the charger's efficiency into account.
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    Java: Where To Next?

    I'm a Java developer by trade, and I definitely agree with you that JVM performance isn't typically much of an issue these days. In large part, this is due to the continual improvement of the JIT. While the JIT is maintined on x86 and SPARC, I'm not sure if there is a version targeting ARM...
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    Sdxc Support?

    I haven't found a whole lot of information out there about exFat yet, but apparently the max file size is 16 exabytes
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    Pandroid - Android On Pandora

    Here we go again with 'java is slow', these aren't the days of applets in netscape 4 anymore. Any modern JVM with JIT enabled will be within a few percentage points of native code. Really, the only area you are likely to find java significantly slower than native code is startup time. There...
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    Starcraft on the Pandora

    Starcraft is a Windows program, so dosbox won't be able to run it.