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  1. P

    Us Pandorites, How Will You Mobile Internet?

    Thanks guys for your tips. Oops. When I typed "Us pandorites" it was supposed to be "US pandorites." I'm in Southern California and really wish I could find a cheaper solution. I've read through your guys' opinions. ntelos doesn't offer subscriptions where I'm located. I've seen some...
  2. P

    Us Pandorites, How Will You Mobile Internet?

    So I'm aware of this thread I learned about some devices that might work with the Pandora if I wanted to receive internet OTA. I'm wondering what exactly your ideas are for how your Pandora will get...
  3. P

    Pandora vs. Touch Book

    Guys, thanks for pitching in your knowledge and opinions. :D I guess it's like I thought; the Touchbook will be a larger, tablet-hybrid, Pandora, minus game controls. I guess that will have some use for an overall more comfortable computing experience, sometimes. Did you guys see that they...
  4. P

    Pandora vs. Touch Book

    I think the buzz about this product has been out there for a while, but I only ever heard of it yesterday. I'm really interested to know how it compares to the Pandora with respect to hardware performance potential. They are both ARM devices, but I don't know how the Cortex of the Pandora...
  5. P

    Usb Otg Adapters

    I'm really glad I asked. I'll be happy to check out the wiki and see if I can get may answer. I'm still under the impression that in order to connect my USB 1.1 device I need a USB mini a male to USB female a. But all the adapters I find for sale are USB mini b to female!
  6. P

    Usb Otg Adapters

    Ok. To summarize: I ought to at least look for a male mini A to usb A socket because the A plug on the mini end means the pandora will act as a host. A male mini B plug I can wait to buy until later because the ability for the pandora to act like a device to another host might be implemented...
  7. P

    Usb Otg Adapters

    Squidge: About your product recommendation: The connector is described as mini and it looks to be so. I'm confused because I thought all OTG implied micro connectors. Is the OTG port on the Pandora mini or micro?
  8. P

    Usb Otg Adapters

    I read about the solution to using USB 1.1 devices on the Pandora. At first, it was as simple as just connect it to the USB OTG port. It didn't prove to be that simple because I've had a lot of trouble shopping for exactly the adapters I need. I tried learning about USB OTG and I found...
  9. P


    I'd really like if this was an opportunity to introduce features in to Starcraft that didn't appear until later games. I'm thinking in Warcraft 3 there was autocast, subgroups, and queues for research. Stuff like that. How great would it be to have SCVs auto repair? I hope the engine will...