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  1. G

    Next Pandora Release?

    Fail I think most people knew what they were in for you should just read more. In my opinion it was risky and anyone could have seen that. Your just pissed from what i read is because an item's release got pushed back longer, have you ever waited months for a game just for it to come in to...
  2. G

    Touch Screen

    personally what i would do is set it up so when the stylus touches the screen it would just move the mouse no clicking but when i use the left shoulder button (im right handed) it would click and hold for right click but thats just me
  3. G

    Audio Creation Software For The Pandora

    I wanted the same thing and I found one open source music editing type program but it is more like guitar pro it's called power tab editor I also don't know how to program(trying to learn) so I can't port it but ya never know....
  4. G

    This Or A Pandora

    yeah it runs but its just not in the best aesthetic appearance Yeah I'm gonna get the car thanks for your guys opinions
  5. G

    This Or A Pandora

    yeah thats true I will finally be able to stop walking places for hours on end and I LOVE squarebacks but I REALLY REALLY want the pandora but it's true the car 1 time offer the pandora can wait but the thing is I'd probably have to wait until the middle of next year to the end to get the...
  6. G

    This Or A Pandora

    wow I fannally get the green light for a pandora and the offer of a 72 VW squareback is dropped into my lap for a little more than the pandora (for $500) I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm thinking about it and the pandora is awesome and I would never put it down but then again...
  7. G

    The Pandora Port Request Thread

    some people have said they would like to see a program like guitar pro on the pandora and I don't know if this has been said before but power tab editor would probably be able to be ported since its open source