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  1. S

    Pandora Status Update

    Am I correct in thinking that if the money hasn't been refunded in my account by now, I'm in the clear?
  2. S

    L2/r2 Solder Pad Question

    The MP3 feature in DSOrganize had a system where L+R changed songs, and R+L went backwards. Even though the same combination is pressed, it recognizes the order in which you pressed them. It was pretty neat because the odds of bumping both buttons at once is slim, but if you wanted to skip...
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    Pandora Keyboard Layout

    Most of the designs are fine for me except for one detail that is missing in every one of them.... A shift key on the right. Most of the current designs make the typing of a question mark very round-about. I'm used to the shift and question mark being next to each other so you can just roll off...
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    Pandora Wallpaper Thread.

    greendots, do you use 3DS Max with a light-tracer for rendering?
  5. S

    Did You Preorder?

    I got it. And nearly ripped my hair out in the process. I've been following this since last year. When I found out my school blocked the order page I was on the verge of tossing the computer out the window. The thread titled "Looks like the first 3000 are already sold out" didn't help much...
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    What Does Craig Look Like?

    That is a crap load of food in the first pic
  7. S

    Any Boot Animation Details?

    If you say we are allowed to change the animation to anything we want, do you have any idea of the file format it will use?