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  1. C

    Reordering Update

    There's no way I'm ordering thru Paypal (or any similar service), especially not after what happened originally.
  2. C

    Credit Card Orders

    It's not so much that it's fraud or a scam, nor is it that we are being refunded a smaller amount than what we paid originally; I understand the math behind that. The only problem is that forex fluctuates daily (especially at this point in time), so what we were refunded in the past week may be...
  3. C

    Credit Card Orders

    The only solution that will not have me chargeback my order is if I am able to reorder in a CDN amount equivalent to the GBP amount I was refunded (197.77 GBP converted to CDN at the time of the refund transaction). I don't know how you plan on doing the reorders, but I hope you do it in a...
  4. C

    All Refunds Not Sent Yet

    Not to mention the daily fluctuations to forex... this is getting ridiculous.
  5. C

    All Refunds Not Sent Yet

    Will the reorder page allow us to input any amount (the amount we were refunded) or will the amount be automated. I want to know this now, since I am planning on paying the total refunded amount in my local currency, not in GBP. I don't really want to spend more money on this whole screw up, and...
  6. C

    Full Refund?

    The day you reorder, just call your credit card company and ask what the amount you were refunded is in GBP. So if you were refunded 300 USD, just ask what that number is in GBP (using your credit card companies current exchange rate), and that's what you should be paying in the order form...
  7. C

    Release Neverwinter Nights

  8. C

    Sales shipping to canada query

    Starting to get a little worried, with no official responses as of yet...
  9. C

    Additiona Fees (help)

    Bump for great justice.
  10. C

    Pandora Tablet Mod

    It's been said before, the tablet design is trademarked, so you can't copy it.
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    Wouldn't it be cool to play a decent FPS on the Pandora? (i.e. not Halo)
  12. C

    Iphone OS on Pandora

    MacOS is just a shelled Linux, so you could essentially just take any ARM Linux distro and customize it to act like MacOS (why you would want to do that is beyond me). I don't see how terribly slow applications that use up ridiculous amounts of RAM (iTunes) and cumbersome software/firmware...
  13. C

    Additiona Fees (help)

    That's not the point; we were told that special distribution arrangements would be made for us ordering from Canada, which should be honoured.
  14. C

    Additiona Fees (help)

    So, we indeed pay with GBP. Meh.. I better not be paying customs. :( Depends on what your credit card company charges for exchange. I do know that the US market crash affected the exchange alot, so that's probably the reason.
  15. C

    Additiona Fees (help)

    Can we get a definitive official verdict on this please?
  16. C

    Pandora modding!

    More LEDs = Better.
  17. C

    Sales shipping to canada query ... steps.html
  18. C

    List of PSX games you plan/hope to play ... 21/psx.png I think these should last me for a while.
  19. C

    Sales shipping to canada query

    Customs to Canada could be as much as ~30%. Let's hope it doesn't come to this, and arrangements are made to either ship within Canada or the States.