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  1. M

    New Twitter From Craigx May Be Of Intrest To All Of You

    What the h@ck pandora's falling out the sky's. I should better checking My roof soon :P Funny movie thought (I'm still wondering how he made the falling from the roof part)
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    Pandora Mascot

    The color looks much better. Btw, I think it's missing a tail. ;"] -God Ginrai :o great job! looking great
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    Phyics Engines

    Newton playground is funy shit :D try it I hope he will port it to the pandora
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    Blog Update - Look! It's A Desktop!

    Wow:O Great video, I feel so stupid I was to late for the first order of pandora's. Keep up the great work! *one day it will be mine* :D
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    Rts Games On Pandora

    Getting Spring RTS engine (or simmilar engine) running would be great
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    Official Promotion And/or Boot Animation/Jingle Thread.

    That reto vid is awesome!
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    Announcement: Pond

    This could be very usefull! Can't wait to play some old classics against other pandora users
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    Need Some Advice About Lua/luabind Versions

    huh that's weird, im getting an email notefication but I din't subcripe to this topic
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    Dutch Pandora Community

    I have the experience of making an community site, my currently project is a Dutch Wii homebrew/hack site. I don’t think a Dutch site will work for now, but when the pandora is out for like say 0.5 year than there are enough Dutch people that own a pandora so than it's wurth to...
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    Pandora Information In French

    I could translate the main page into dutch, the only thing is that is already taken,.
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    Looking good: I would try this
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    So How Many Gigs Of Memory You Geting?

    I would buy this one:
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    Your Most Wanted Emulated Game On Pandora? (aka Friday Night Insomnia.

    I would love to play some old dos games on the pandora like Hocus Pocus and skunny. And offcourse zelda and mario with an gba emulator. btw. what is the best sonic game?
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    Pre-orders Confirmed For 30th Sept

    "When and where can I buy it? It is already available to selected developers and preorders on September the 30th for casual users via UK, USA, Canada, Germany and Turkey." Why only for UK, USA, Canada, Germany and Turkey customers and not other European costumers like Holland. Or does this...
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    Media Center For The Pandora?

    WOW, that looks great! especially the music visualisation