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    Skype To Become Open Source‽ I WANT TO BELIEVE
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    Which Browser

    The obvious choice is Chromium. Linux Firefox runs like molasses on my 3GHz, 3GB RAM computer, I don't even want to imagine what it'd be like on the Pandora.
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    Can The Pandora Get Viruses?

    Wait, libraries will be packaged with Pandora package files? There'll be a whole lotta space wasted if that is the case. Why not make it work like a conventional Linux package management system, where any libraries you're missing are downloaded from the repository?
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    Can The Pandora Get Viruses?

    Will I really have to go through all of that bullshit just to install/run something on the Pandora? I hope that Pandora's OS is more than just a terminal... As for OP's question: yes, the Pandora can get viruses. Just make a file named '', put 'rm -rf /' in it and you have a virus...
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    Try porting Cube 2/Sauerbraten

    Haha, okay. When should we expect this graphical remake? :lol: I'm not criticizing what the game could be, I'm criticizing what it is. When you do your magic in Blender and GIMP, I'll be happy to give another review. :wink: You don't care about the game, but you expect other people to care...
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    Try porting Cube 2/Sauerbraten

    Er, no. Cube is made from scratch, and Cube 2 is based on that. If Cube/Cube 2 were based on any of the Quake engines, they would have to be released under the GPL. In any case, Cube 2 is pretty sweet technically (I love the octree system), but art/design-wise it is, quite frankly, ass. The...
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    Pandora Cube

    No, I don't think that an ARM processor makes for a useful stationary system as of the time of writing this, since most software is already precompiled for i686/x86-64 processors. The only reason I'm willing to put up with ARM in the Pandora is because it's in an awesome handheld device that...
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    You Decide If The Pandora Is Right For Me

    QUOTE So, would it be unwise for me to purchase a Pandora? First, I would like you to keep in mind that a Pandora is not a necessity for most people, but instead is for entertainment. The only way it'd be unwise for you to get a Pandora is if you don't want one. We cannot decide for you...
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    Closed Source Ports

    QUOTE May 27 23:02:33 <Skofo> I was wondering if you'd ever consider taking the Quake 3 path with Lugaru, and open sourcing the engine without the media. May 27 23:02:49 <Mansizedmouse> would there be much point May 27 23:03:05 <jeff> we might some day May 27 23:03:09 <Skofo> Well, for one...
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    Crosspost: Unofficial mascots for Pandora

    Why pandas? I really like this idea:
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    Release FireFox is cool, but what about Fennec?

    Oh wow, someone actually made a "mobile" port of Firefox? I'm sorry, but I personally think that to be crazy; Firefox is a beast and it hardly has a place on mobile devices. I'd much rather see mobile/Pandora ports of Chromium. Also, to answer your question, if Fennec is just an interface...
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    Pandora Handheld Games Roundup and some keyboard action.

    Really neat video! But... you weren't doing anything peculiar towards the end, were you?
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    Release New Game? [Lucasarts Night Shift Remake]

    If Ruby can be ported to ARM, I don't see why not. I don't know anything besides that, but I found this article: ... o-zen-way/
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    Release 2D Fighting Game Engine Ports?

    ShugenDo, eh? Looks neat, but it is not freedomware, not to mention it's based on DirectX. MUGEN and Little Fighter are in the same boat. If you want ShugenDo on the Pandora, you'll have to talk with its author about making it happen.
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    Release idea - seal of approval

    Absolutely not. There should not be an official seal of approval. The lack of such standardization is exactly why I'm buying a Pandora as opposed to a PSP. This is a community thing, there should definitely not be an official hierarchy deciding what is good and what is not. A community rating...
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    Finding 2D Artwork

    I agree that 3D has its place, but so does 2D. 2D graphics are not inherently ugly; not even close! Brilliant stuff can be made in 2D. Can you honestly say that these can be easily and quickly replaced by prettier 3D rendered counterparts? That aside, I'm really curious to see the game...
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    Release Creating for games, but...

    As soon as you or someone else puts them there. I'd guess shortly after people acquire their Pandoras.
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    iPhone Game Emulator

    What killer apps does the iPhone have that couldn't be replaced with a freedomware rewrite?
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    You might be able to add more RAM to your Pandora with a clever hack. I doubt it'd be pretty, though.
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    USB Peripherals

    What will come with the Pandora is 100% Linux, as far as I know. Linux is not a user interface, it is a kernel/operating system. Linux is a raw command-line by default, the graphical interface is just built on top of that. You'll be able to use USB peripherals that can be used on Linux, as well...