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  1. M

    Release Game Editor

    I used the editor on OpenPandora, and was able to make a few of the games fullscreen and the right resolution, really easy with the editor, thanks. Lots of interesting games, but only a few really neat ones.
  2. M

    Release Game Editor

    This was really neat! Thanks for the hard work. Tried a bunch of games, yeah, the resolutions and controls are all random :) (I wonder if you could use the hacked sdl version with the hardware scaling, force fullscreen and scaling for all these games). Speed wise, it was ok, but no sound...
  3. M

    Beta The Maze Of Galious Remake Port

    You could always have both keys (redundant controls), have climb and jump as up, and X as climb and jump. :) I thinks thats how xrick did it on the gp32.
  4. M

    Beta Audiorace 1.5

    I don't know if you are interested, but I got the library to load from the local folder using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD ./audiorace Probably will help when you PND package it.
  5. M

    Beta Audiorace 1.5

    Also, in the and in the direct download link are the same copy, they have the same md5sum versions. Did you mean to upload a different version than the one in the
  6. M

    Beta Audiorace 1.5

    So excited, Can't wait to play it, THANKS FOR THE PORT!!! Edit: I ended up having to copy to /usr/lib for it to be used. None of the normal LD_PRELOAD=$PWD/ ./audiorace worked. Also, had to chmod +x audiorace. Running here, nice splash screen, when...
  7. M

    Release Kof (King Of Fighters) On Pandora

    Hmm, hotfix 5 defaults to 600MHz, where I think HF4 was 500. I might try a lower clockspeed, see if it stops working. I was surprised there was so little feedback on this game, there were 300 downloads of it. I figured it was just overlooked.
  8. M


    Wow, cool idea. Can you suggest any favorite Debian apps we might apt-get install? Since debian has so many packages (and so many of them games).
  9. M

    Release Beta Test: Upcoming (HF5) Firmware Image BETA 4

    Looks like XBMC is a different issue, on the command line it complains about not containing a symbol (its part of samba libs).
  10. M

    Beta Xbmc Media Center

    yeah, ran from command line, looks like (samba library) is a different version and missing a required function.
  11. M

    Beta Xbmc Media Center

    Looks like it is broken on HotFix5 (with the new SGX core). I have removed the pandora/appdata/xbmc and reflashed my pandora with hotfix 5 (beta 2 and 4). XBMC asks for cpuspeed, then never launches. Running from the command line doesn't reveal much.
  12. M

    Release Beta Test: Upcoming (HF5) Firmware Image BETA 4

    xbmc seems to be broken in HF5 in general, looks like it died with the new graphics SGX core. From Fourth post down for newest xbmc 10.0 pnd (the one on the first...
  13. M

    Release Kof (King Of Fighters) On Pandora

    I was the one who ported it, and tested it on both HotFix4 and HotFix5 on my pandora, with a clean install. Try using the enter key instead of the start key, and post feedback. If there is a problem, I can fix it, but only if someone lets me know.
  14. M

    Release Kof (King Of Fighters) On Pandora

    King Of Fighters on Pandora (Fan-Remake). Just a quick Pandora port of a great fan remake of the KOF Flames of Courage from It runs really well, uses correct button mapping, and looks awesome. Start button (or enter) to select...
  15. M

    Audiorace 1.5

    This game looks so good! Any chance of a pandora port?
  16. M

    Beta Upcoming (Hf5) Firmware Image Beta 2

    Wow, this update really helped with Pandora Radio (adobe flash) constantly rebuffering, I haven't heard any pauses in 15 minutes, where it used to be every few minutes. Also, opkg runs faster, like it seemed to stall out in the past just doing opkg update, where now it runs and completes much...
  17. M

    Flash Player On Pandora

    Which version of flash are you using (the n900, or the omap)? Whats the md5sum on the ?
  18. M

    Flash Player On Pandora

    Um, no. Like I mentioned in the other threads, uninstall swfdec swfdec-mozila and swfdec-gnome. The plugin does work from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (barring conflicts from swfdec-mozilla or gnash). I had pandora radio running for an hour, no problems. Every flash site I went to worked, wifi...
  19. M

    Farmville Works On Pandora

    Also, doesn't fit the screen, but you can pan in firefox. I don't know if anything was off the screen that I needed to see, didn't pan around.
  20. M

    Pandora On Pandora

    Great heading, "Pandora On Pandora" :) Just following up on what works with Pandora, this machine is a neat little box. Pandora Radio on OpenPandora system (using firefox browser and N900 flash plugin) Refer to the setup in flash-player-on-pandora and farmville-works-on-pandora A couple...