Confirmed : Some mixed up numbers on "spare LEDs" (p.4)
It should be :
- LED7 --> TP22, Q17, R165 & R166
- LED8 --> TP23, Q18, R167 & R168
Edit: The last schematic is a good example of getting things done imho :)
Edit2: Confirmed bit (see 4 posts below)
My guess is that this company understands perfectly this situation (OP has no choice) and is stalling (not really doing anything to address known problems while delaying delivery) to achieve one of 2 goals :
- either we lower our expectations and they deliver as is with no further cost to them...
media player 3
personal video 1
personal audio 2
house player 0
game console 2
simple or logic games 0
emulated systems 2
native games 0
computer companion 4
internet 1
work/job 1
personal 2
Nice opportunity for French people mostly, I just received today my 2 SanDisk SDHC 32GB 30MB/s for about 115 EUR each (postage and insurance included) from this site
I guess they made a mistake as it is the same price as their similar 16GB SDHC card which is about half the mean price ;o)...
Voted #900-1200 as I know for sure (see http://glastronowner...dora/divine.php) that I am :
- after /copydir (in #1-300)
- before CoMiKe (in #1200-1500)
and I prefer to err on the safe side and be nicely surprised :rolleyes:
The fact this slot was virgin might also have play a part... who...
InformIT published an interesting article titled "Pandora : An Open Console" after interviewing Craig.
There is really nothing new there but it is still a nice read while waiting :D
^^ +1 to what BackAssward just said
Based on this blind trust in OP (I do trust them), no need for any further update till the delivery wheter it is news, blog or videos ;o)
Something new, maybe not for everyone ? :)
Dedicated TAB key. Ever needed [Alt +] Shift + Tab for example ?
A more conventional one, better compromise...
Finally, assuredly not to everyone's liking :P
Comments welcomed !
'Popular' countries are IMHO much better candidates for new specific/national keymats avalaible soon after initial launch than any other countries due to their number...
Moreover, a generic keymat layout will both satisfy the broadest range of your customers and further up the community feeling...
@cosurgi: +1 to no specific national caracters
as for keymat layout, I'd like SHIFT in the bottom left corner and preferably TAB in its place :rolleyes:
back on topic, I'm sure final font will be ok :)
Any chance you try the regexp idea even in C ?
There's no difference in execution time (< 1s) even with 6 bits and 10000 cycles...
If you prefer, I can send you a shell version :rolleyes:
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