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  1. N

    Stylus Problem

    Woops... I thought I had posted it in their... guess I'm just a bit daft lol. Well, is there a way for me to move the topic? Also, it doesn't seem to move at all, not even a bit. Edit; Yeah, just pushed it really hard lol. I was afraid to break it... That is a really tight fit, but thanks for...
  2. N

    Stylus Problem

    The stylus just won't come out. It's like it's welded in or something. Is there a trick to getting it out? It doesn't say anywhere in the quickstart or in the wiki. This is a serious problem; I don't want to have to carry around a loose stylus with me everywhere!
  3. N

    All Orders Refunded - So What If You Didn't Get A Refund?

    Woops, didin't notice the bit on the bottom...
  4. N

    All Orders Refunded - So What If You Didn't Get A Refund?

    I ordered via credit card, I've been charged etc. But I haven't gotten a refund... does that just mean everythings fine? I haven't recived an email either...
  5. N

    Pandora Questions And Answers

    O.K thanks, that's good to know! And I guess I'll just have to be carefull what I put on it to make sure it doesn't crash.
  6. N

    Pandora Questions And Answers

    Ummmmm... I've got a bad feeling this has been mentioned somewhere before but I searched the forums and looked at the FAQ so... What type of guarantee does the Pandora come with, I hear (on the FAQ) that if it has dead pixels you can send it back, and I'm assuming that means you could send it...
  7. N

    A Multidisc Loader For Paystation Emu On Pandora?

    Well, although i dont know much about the pandoras emulating capabilities, id say, they can do it on PSP so it should definitly be possible on pandora.
  8. N

    A Couple Of Questions

    Thanks for all the info and thanks prophet for the faq, also, about question 2, i wasnt really talking about the keyboard\ analog sticks ect. It was more about the internel workings of the machine, but people have ansewed about both internel and external so it dosent really matter - I should...
  9. N

    A Couple Of Questions

    Thanks everyone, for answering my questions so quick, and for squidge Tyrian is a vertical shooter, its been ported to PSP so i was wondering. Anyway, cause i dont want to make another post, ive got a couple more questions... 1. I know that OpenPandora uses memory sticks, but is it compatible...
  10. N

    A Couple Of Questions

    Well, im a bit of a overall PC noob and OpenPandora noob so ive got a couple of questions... 1. You can run OpenPandora if you use windows, right? 2. Can i run linux programs on OpenPandora just by downloading them on Windows XP then putting them on the openpandora. 3. Can OpenPandora run...