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  1. R

    What Gadgets You Own Are Going To Be Replaced By Pandora?

    It will displace rather than replace... - my Zen, that will be used only for mp3 and Pandora will be my video player as soon as I can get one. - my laptop, as Pandora would be capable of running soft like Kompozer, to edit web "on the go" and connecting to the internet, usually to IM, web, etc...
  2. R

    Reauest To Port Fbreader

    I would love to see FBreader on Pandora, it looks great. I would install it in my HTC, but don't seems to be a port for WM. :(
  3. R

    The Age.. ?

    Just turned 29.
  4. R

    Ebook Reading Capabilities

    I've been thinking on taking a Pandora turning it 90º clockwise in my left hand and using the screen in vertical mode to read. It's more like using a real book and the right hand is free to "change page". I guess Pandora software will be capable of turn on screen.
  5. R

    Gamebook Creator/player?

    In Japan, software equivalent to gamebooks are pretty popular, even more between hentai lovers, so it's possible that some like this could atract other potential users. PD: I don't know nothing about that... I've read this in some places... I guess... XD
  6. R

    ¿cómo Que No Habrá Ñ?

    El teclado está controlado por software, eso quiere decir que haya lo que haya impreso en las teclas, se puede hacer que respondan con otros carácteres, Ñ incluida. Desde el primer día la Ñ se sabía que no iba a disponer de una tecla propia. Yo soy español y dudo mucho que Pandora vaya a tener...
  7. R

    Release Pandora Photos: Final Design.

    Looks nice, but still a bit coarse, or not?
  8. R

    ¿cómo Compramos Los Españoles Una Pandora?

    TRANSLATION Source. Un saludo, Stephan TN: Sorry, but I don't understand german, my only contact with it are usually Rammstein's songs. NdT: Lo siento pero no entiendo el alemán, mi único contacto con él son normalmente las canciones de Rammstein.
  9. R

    ¿cómo Compramos Los Españoles Una Pandora?

    No tengo ni idea, yo de GP2X estoy pez del todo. TRANSLATION: I have no idea, I'm fish about GP2X. TN: "to being fish" is a weird spanish expression that means "really don't know about a thing".
  10. R

    ¿cómo Compramos Los Españoles Una Pandora?

    Traducción: Qué pasa gente? Un poquito más de tolerancia. En el foro Español a gente a veces escribe en inglés y los españoles que hablan inglés lo traducen al español o ayudan directamente. En foros en alemán se puede ver eso también a veces. @Vimacs No veo eso en las normas del foro...
  11. R

    How Is The Battery Life Indicator Going To Be?

    Of course. But there will be a default preset, or not?
  12. R

    How Is The Battery Life Indicator Going To Be?

    What about... Green led flashing: charging. Green led static: High battery. (100-40%) Orange light: medium battery, but not fear. (40%-15%) Red led static: really low battery, search for a charger, please. (15%-5%) Red led flashing: SOS, my battery is gonna die!!! (5%) It could be combined...