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    Release T.I. Calculator Emulator

    Have anyone heard of plans for a TI-calculator Emulator port yet? I tried the ti-emu on my modded psp, and it was slow at graphing... Would a Pandora version be feasible for full speed, or maybe even faster speed then the real calculator? It would be wonderful to use it with the Pandoras...
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    Non-gaming Apps

    IRC Client Yahoo/AIM/IM Client Graffiti/Doodle/Sketch Ti-84 / Ti-89 Emulator Linerider HTML Editor PDF Reader Light Video Editor MMORPG Sodoku Music Synthesizer, Great With Voice Recorder To Finger DDR / Stepmania Guitar Hero Well Stylus Hero 2d Sprite Generator
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    Psp Emulation?

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    Who Wants A Slideout Keyboard?

    Reason Slideout keyboard powns - Laptop design looks dorky - keyboard buttons getting in way of game buttons with current design - Slideout keyboard makes pandora look smaller - Put keyboard away when not needed
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    My Pandora Mockup

    Slideout keyboard, 2x headphone plug, 2x controller plugin, mouse Well the current render of the pandora as a laptop form shell makes the joystick and games button hard to press with the keyboard in the way. So i made this mockup in paint with a slide out keyboard, and more... I forgot the...