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  1. B

    Oldplay 1.33

    nothing big? the screen being turned off on an F200 is a BIG thing trust me :) i look forward to downloading this release later. Cheers!
  2. B

    Space Varments - Invading A Gp2x Near You Soon.....

    hahah that big green alien looks hilarious. cant wait to try this game. hopefully it will have some crazy music to match!
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    F200 Crashes When Sound Is At Full Blast

    may i suggest "Muse - Starlight" whack that baby to full volume... works like a charm ;) (usually lasts around 30 secs) The problem does suck but at least now i know im not the only one... i can gain comfort from that i guess :D Cheers guys!
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    F200 Crashes When Sound Is At Full Blast

    hi guys, my f200 crashes when music or videos are really loud, i.e. when i turn it up to max volume. is this normal behaviour for this model? im thinking maybe its drawing too much current or something because man, these things pack out some dB's for their size! any help would be appreciated...
  5. B

    Mame4all 1.0 For Gp2x (soon)

    FUCK YEAH! ill be downloading this, not tried mame on mine yet. Cheers!
  6. B

    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    I just got mine last week from took bloody ages though! :P (2 months in fact due to a missed order). Hopefully this doesnt happen to often! So far so good... any reason to not use my laptop for playing emulators is a good one. Would love to get into coding for it. Although im...