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  1. P

    Got My Email F200 Is On Her Way Woohooo

    Dell did that to me with a laptop so I feel your pain. Although in that case at least they gave me back the mandatory 50 quid delivery fee back! It pays to moan sometimes :)
  2. P

    My F200 Has Just Arrived

    Well I got it, happy days. I must admit they had me worried for a bit :)
  3. P

    Got My Email F200 Is On Her Way Woohooo

    rammz, that sucks dude. Luckily, I also got mine this morning. Every company lives and dies by their reputation. Of course when they do what they should, noone says anything, but when they mess up, we all hear about it. I really hope they sort it out for you rammz. Have you tried calling...
  4. P

    My F200 Has Just Arrived

    I get my F200 tomorrow and have been cramming my 4GB card with emulation goodness for days :) Question: Is there any particular file structure that the GP2X uses? You know, like the PSP. Or at least one that you would recommend? Thanks
  5. P

    Anyone Know The Courier Uses?

    It's not the fact we had to wait that upsets us. It's the fact that A: We paid 24 hour shipping B: We were told they were in stock when we ordered them I'm fairly sure that if we had known there was no stock when we ordered, we wouldn't have been posting about it!
  6. P

    Anyone Know The Courier Uses?

    Hooray :) Happy times :) I called GP2X today and spoke to Jacqualine, very nice lady. She instantly sent me a confirmation email, and I am told I will have it tomorrow! Yaay. Watch this space...
  7. P

    Anyone Know The Courier Uses?

    Hmm, none of this is cheering me up guys! I ordered mine on the 13th of December and got the same email. Still have had nothing since, although the money has gone. What's annoyed me most is that they still expect you to pay '24 hour' shipping to supposedly 'get it faster'. Um, what? Very...