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  1. N

    Screwed Filesystem, What To Do?

    Yes, I do am a dumbass. If you're angry, this is a right time to blame someone: ME! As I was not only satisfied to sexually abuse my batteries playing Donkey Kong Country the whole day long(I haven't an AC adapter), now I just screwed up my brand new F-200. I wanted to try changing firmware...
  2. N

    Little Float Problem

    Hello, I'm new here... just started programming my gp2x, but I've already ran in trouble :D I'm coding a pacman game, just for fun, using EdgeLib. Everything okay, the engine is nice, stuff is compiling and running fine. But I got some problems with floats: In order for me to know the...
  3. N

    Usb Networking?

    Hello, I'm now with my GP2X on hands, and I'm wondering what fun may I have with it. I searched for howto's to network my gp2x with my PC. I found this tutorial:, but I can't find any "USB Networking" entry under Settings->System, even though I've...