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  1. P

    New Gp2x Infected?

    Update: In the five months since I reported this to the distributor (and mentioned it here) I have had no response whatsoever from the distributor. The distributor also never responded to my inquiry about a cradle power supply. Anybody else want to sell me one? I did recently receive an...
  2. P

    New Gp2x Infected?

    A belated (my ISP is being rubbish) answer to those perfectly legitimate questions: I run various flavours of Debian Linux on all my boxes apart from the aforementioned Windows XP box, which is and was absolutely up-to-date with all updates for XP, ZoneAlarm, SpybotS+D, AdAware, and AVG...
  3. P

    New Gp2x Infected?

    QUOTE Did you try opening it, what does it do? :-) No, I didn't try that. But I did try scanning it with AVG on an old Windows box. AVG wants to kill it deader than a dead thing.
  4. P

    New Gp2x Infected?

    QUOTE Hmmm... how do I go about finding it..??? Connect to PC with USB [Firmware 3.0.0 :] Settings > USB > Built-In Up comes the file listing on my PC, and ... ... it's right there in my main directory alongside the gp2x_license file and the License directory, supertux directory, vektar...
  5. P

    New Gp2x Infected?

    QUOTE Who'd you buy from?? I bought it from the UK distributor. I rang them about it several days ago, but they haven't called back. And I know that the GP2X is not itself impaired by carrying the file, but threads need brief titles.
  6. P

    New Gp2x Infected?

    Anybody else found that their new GP2X arrived with the RavMonE.exe virus sitting on it?