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    Lbreakout Gp2x Port Released

    Thanks for the great port! ;) When are you going to start with lbreakout2 :rolleyes:
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    Race! With Fullscreen Scaling (rough, Hw) Released

    Thanks! Great to hear RACE is going fullscreen :). Unfortunately I can't get it to work. RACE crashes everytime after showing the RACE screen and playing the neo geo pocket startup tune . Solved! Problem was caused by too long filenames. How long is the maximum filename RACE can handle?
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    Can I Play .rmvb Files?

    Can I play .rmvb files with my GP2X? Does the default mediaplayer work? Or do I need another one? Thanks in advance!
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    Wip Battle For Wesnoth For Gp2x

    Unfortunately the developer (grzywacz) has stated that hasn't the spare time available to work on this project. Those who are interested in picking up the project please let it be known here: Battle for Wesnoth Forum Index -> User's Forum -> GP2X Version? and here: Wip & Help Wanted...
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    GP2X Wip & Help Wanted: Porting Battle For Wesnoth

    Maybe it's an good idea to upload the file to: and the GP2X wiki in order to create more exposure and attract devlopers.
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    Wesnoth, Anyone?

    Not entirely true. Check the latest posting. Today grzywacz posted a new version. Help is needed though in order to complete it
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    Wesnoth, Anyone?

    Here's the GP2X thread in the Wesnoth forums: Let them know your interested!
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    Is There An Lbreakout2 Port In The Making?

    Thanks for the tip on arkanoid! I really like lbreakout2 though with it's crazy upgrades etc. It's lots of fun and even better my girlfriend like it to ;). You should give it a try it is really addictive. Is there a way I can port this game on my Gentoo Linux box?
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    Is There An Lbreakout2 Port In The Making?

    I am a great fan of the Lbreakout games and I wonder if there is a GP2X port in the making