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  1. F

    Gamepark Files Bankruptcy

    that's right everyone you don't like is epicenter :rolleyes: LET'S THROW HIM IN THE LAKE AND SEE IF HE FLOATS! IF HE DOES HE'S AN EPICENTER
  2. F

    Quake2x Wiimote

    ......... what ........... WHY
  3. F

    Gamepark Files Bankruptcy

    GPH doesn't care what you want. If there was a new system it would have whatever LCD costs them the least money even if its resolution is 1948x5 with 6 colors. Keep dreaming. Ahahaha, yes 20 FPS with an ARM920T clock of 305 MHz is 'as fast as anyone would want it'. Delusional. not that I...
  4. F


    And you poor fuckers are still holding out hope for a gp3x. COMING SOON in 2093!! And later GP3X MK9 which replaces the stick which is really a piece of ham.