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  1. L

    Media Type Pandora Can Handle?

    yeah i know he has a bad rep too! it was just the 1st one i came to. you know i just read this ( "FFPlay that allows you to play several RealMedia and Windows Media formats." i must have tried it before but i will have to try it again. has anyone actually got...
  2. L

    Media Type Pandora Can Handle?

    no way! i'd rather just drag and drop them. i have seen many cheap chinese players do realmedia so i was hoping but i'll perhaps get one also...
  3. L

    Media Type Pandora Can Handle?

    "ogv" (or ogm) i see ogv as my favourite choice for download from there are lots of good pd movies there and my "rm" files are from i can download and keep all the movies from there as part of my subscription. some are free even if you don't pay but the jxd needs a...
  4. L

    Media Type Pandora Can Handle?

    i have a movie subscription service that lets me keep all their films in rm format. i have a gp2x, psp and a jxd 301. the 1st 2 ended up being no good for these. i bought the 301 for rm format but it has crap battery life. i'm getting sick of not being able to play rm format films. maybe i'll...
  5. L

    Media Type Pandora Can Handle?

    if you know why not just tell me? ogv doesn't get a mention here. and realmedia seems to be slated but i would like to use it. is there a resounding no here or not? i can't tell.
  6. L

    Media Type Pandora Can Handle?

    wow! where's that then?
  7. L

    Media Type Pandora Can Handle?

    hi all, i want to know if pandora will be able to play real media movies and ogv movies. these are a big requirement for me.