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  1. K

    Extremely Dissapointed After Buying Dingoo

    Hi folks ! :D I recently bought a Dingoo too. With the dollar->euro conversion rate, it only cost me 60 euros and I'm very satisfied of it B) It fits in my pocket and I can take my music, movies and games on it. What more should I expect ? Back to the original topic, I don't think it's...
  2. K

    GP2X Who Wants To Port Mega Mario To Gp2x ?

    The graphics would be much smoother :P
  3. K

    Onda Vx878 Mp4 Player For Sale

    I'm back ;)
  4. K

    Onda Vx878 Mp4 Player For Sale

    Yes, Onda has troubles with Apple due to that extreme similarity and their vx858 (a bigger one). Indeed, this vx878 is much smaller than an iPod Touch. As far as I know, the Touch has a 3.5" screen whereas this one has a 2.4" screen. This player will fit in your pocket :D I was thinking to...
  5. K

    GP2X Who Wants To Port Mega Mario To Gp2x ?

    Mega Mario is a C++ game implemented with SDL. This would be an easy port ! Slaanesh, Squidge and other, any volunteer ? Check out here :
  6. K

    Onda Vx878 Mp4 Player For Sale

    Selling a Onda VX878 player, here are some photos : That little thing does all what its bigger brothers do ! - 2 Gb of flash memory, extendable by MicroSD card - 2.4" touch-screen, 260k colors - FM radio and voice recorder - microphone and speaker - multi-language interface - txt (ebook)...
  7. K

    Newman M-touch

    I don't own that nice toy and I am not experimented to WinCE... sorry :P I guess there is something like a filelist and a CRC which are hidden somewhere... but that's all I could say !
  8. K

    Newman M-touch Official site : Its touchscreen and Windows CE could permit easy ports from the smartphone community ;)
  9. K

    Solar Mp4

  10. K

    Gp2x F-200 For Sale

    :gp2x gp32_console :gp2x gp32_console :gp2x gp32_console :gp2x gp32_console :gp2x gp32_console
  11. K

    Gp2x F-200 For Sale

    :blink: :blink: :blink:
  12. K

    Gp2x F-200 For Sale

    <<cancelled !!!>> I'm already missing my GP2x :lol:
  13. K

    Ainol V2000se

    One unit for sell here : That little thing is marvelous, I'm discovering a new tip or function each day ;)
  14. K

    Payback For Sell On Ebay !

    The game is for sale, again ! Same address : Big thank to one who helped me.
  15. K

    Ainol V2000se

    This has been updated to "Enjoy life! Enjoy Ainol!" :)
  16. K

    Payback For Sell On Ebay !

    Ouch I'm so sorry the game doesn't want to run anymore ! At least, doesn't run on the F200 I got a few weeks ago... Maybe the copy protection has been broken somehow. I'm checking this with sales, hoping this will be fixed soon.
  17. K

    New Game Player - Myracer
