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  1. B

    Metal slug 2 port

    when someone says they are going to abandon the gp32 coding scene because some people question their validity that really makes me wonder how valid they are. If they are here it's because they want to be and they like the gp32 and coding for it.. seems like someones bluff was called and walked...
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    Am I just stupid?

    :blink: you know, you're right, there is no nes version.. i must have been playing the game boy color version' :rolleyes:
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    The thread to end the 'GBA EMULATION' debate

    snes emu is gonna be weak due to the lack of buttons.. or at least the wacky gp32 placement of them. i think much is possible with the gp... if you are sick of people making gba requests then stick your head in the sand... or just keep perpetuating what you hate by giving so much attention to...
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    Floppy menu (insert floppy) problems

    when I go to insert floppy for a multi image st game it just resets my gp32. The funny thing is that this happens on games that i have played before... what makes games sometimes play fine and other times seem like they have never worked... what is castaway actually changing? is it the game...
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    Best Atari ST games

    vector starwars and Empire strikes back: grandaddy and grandmammy to the starfox genre.. oh the mammaries.. Dragons Lair 3: hehe not as much fun to play as to watch... changing all 6 disks is a bit of a pain Shadow of the Beast 1 and 2: classics... platforming weirdness yes! Deathbringer...
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    Am I just stupid?

    cannon fodder is a no go for me as well.. you may want to try the nes version on littlejon emu if you are really set on playing it.. while I have not played the st version I know the nes one holds its own against the atari jaguar version of cannon fodder, the levels and general feel seem to be...
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    13 keeps killing my smc :(

    Ya of course i overclock ;) It hasn't happened since those first 2 times.. im guessing it was due to me deleting files via another file manager on the gp.. one time im sure it was a save gone bad amidst an overclock.. :lol:
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    Am I just stupid?

    me too xenon2 works.. if I cant get a game to start i try all the activation keys possible keyboard space,return, 1, 2, 3, f1, f2, f3 Joystick a,b or R mouse a, b If all else fails I turn my gp32 on and off to clear the ram
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    Overclocked ST games

    mine is a tad unstable at 156 but still worth the try.. virus is so cool at 156 tho... little hovercraft 3d game where u can trash the environment with your pea shooter.. fun!
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    13 keeps killing my smc :(

    thanks for adding merit to my post by replying. This EagleTec may not be the best SMC but it has only corrupted files when dealing with save games on doom or castaway... i hope this is only my card but since castaway writes to the smc on the fly in certain games im guessing its some old assed...
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    shuttlepuck cafe

    since people arent to helpful around here for my questions i thought i'd at least reply to yours.. there are a few games that freeze up and wont let you do anything... the odd thing is that sometimes these games work.. if all else fails try to find the game you want in a different pack or...
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    13 keeps killing my smc :(

    the COLD shoulder ay? <_<
  13. B

    13 keeps killing my smc :(

    I have been loving the castawat Atari ST emulator but it seems that in a one day period playing around on it and testing many different games I have had to reformat my card twice because of something weird a glitchy game or a corrupt savestate did to my SMC... the first time i had 2 savestates...
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    Castaway 13 and SMC corruption

    I have been loving the castawat Atari ST emulator but it seems that in a one day period playing around on it and testing many different games I have had to reformat my card twice because of something weird a glitchy game or a corrupt savestate did to my SMC... the first time i had 2 savestates...
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    Must have`s for a new GP32 ?

    sabal the best nes/snes games can be found at any number of sites... just go to and do a search for 100 best snes or nes and there you have it.. :P If you mean best that work with the emulators than stick with the smaller snes roms until the emulator gets a little quicker. And as...
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    Castaway GP and Empire strikes back

    It says pull trigger to start game and no matter what mode I put it into (mouse joystick or cursor mode) I cant get the game to start playing.. I am using castaway 13 and the tos rom 1.02 (maybe i need another tos image?) I have this problem with some other games as well but i reeealy wanna...
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    Doom V8

    same here, ultimate doom only works with just music.. doom 2 hangs at loading here as well... my bios has never been flashed..
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    GP32 GP32 lightgun

    I wholeheartedly agree... without outlandish and insane ideas we dont have much to look forward to.. Any spark no matter how outlandish or unthought out can light a fire of creativity.. oh and it's also hilarious to see the replies... :lol:
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    Most wanted

    great ideas.. game creation apps would be incredibly smart to develop... i want to create soo bad.. and am willing to contribute my graphical talents to any coders in need out there.. :) for pc diablo grim fandango dark forces hexen (1 0r 2) or a tutorial for newbie pc porters... i wanna...
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    GBA emu

    are all you hard assed "elite" gp32 regulars so surprised that people bring up the GBA emulator.... on the site of a handheld that has everybody flag waving as a multi emulator? Then when you buy it and ask a few questions in the forums the flame vampires jump out to sap you of all your lofty...