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  1. N

    GP32 Allegro In Gp32

    I think the project was dropped. I believe Craig was the one working on it, but I don't think he ever intended to make it a full port. He just converted a few things to work on the GP32.
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    GP32 Castle Of Dr Malvado

    I haven't looked at the fenix language, but as far as I know it's based on the Div-Arena engine (thats where Dr.Mavaldo came from orginially). Div-Arena had some functions for Mode 7 style effects and thats what they used to make the sprite grow and rotate, so I imagine it's part of Fenix too.
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    The On-going Flu/blu Saga

    Does your brother take the 'special' bus to school ?
  4. N

    Who Here Klik's?

    Yep, I used to use their software until a few years ago. I gave it up in order to move onto Blitz3D, and now I've moved onto C (still use Blitz for PC stuff). Once you've gotten into real programming, it's hard to go back to the klik stuff because it feels so limited in comparison. Having said...
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    Animation Test

    Wow, that's really nice! Does it use your own 3d engine?
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    I actually bought that book a while ago, and I was pretty dissapointed in it. I already new how to draw decent sprites (I'd been doing game dev for a few years before) but I was hoping this book might have some good professional tips. Unfortunatly I was wrong.. all he seems to be able to create...
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    The British Meet Up, And My Problems

    Haha! Yeah.. No parents.. It would kinda dumb-down the fun quite a bit. They might give me a dodgy look if I swore infront of them :lol:
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    Wifi Speed Help

    If you've got a 802.11b wireless network, then the maximum speed you are going to get is 11Mbs a second which is about 1.4 megabytes a second. So you're probably looking at a couple of hours atleast to transfer 16gb.
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    3d Or Just Lines?!

    You can tell your friend that 3D graphics cards are not required to produce 3d graphics ;) It can be done in software too, like in the Yeti 3d engine. As for Doom, i think it uses raycasting, which does build the image on screen using lines or strips. It's not thought of as true 3d as you...
  10. N

    Gp32 British Meet Up

    It was cool talking with you, DJWillis :D and I still owe you that Scumm title screen, don't I? :blink: Damn I'm bad with remembering things. If you still need it, I'll see if I can get it done sometime. Bit busy with art commisions right now <_<
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    Gp32 British Meet Up

    I'm sure I'll be there. It was a good laugh last time, and it was nice to talk to the people there. :) Edit: Yeah, if you're going Nigel, you should bring some chat boards with you. I'd buy one there :D
  12. N

    Electronia, Wow!

    That's like asking ID software to make a point and click adventure ;) Maybe he only likes making puzzle games, or he's best at creating those.
  13. N

    GP32 Outrun/hang-on Race Track Graphic Effect?

    I'm still not sure how the track data is stored though. I'm pretty sure it's not one giant texture like it would be for a mode 7 effect. I'm still none the wiser on how to achieve this effect, even if its all done in software (not using real raster lines) ;) I think the image is distored using...
  14. N

    GP32 Outrun/hang-on Race Track Graphic Effect?

    It's a different effect than Mode 7. I can't seem to find anything on the internet about it, either. Guess it doesn't help when I don't know what the effect is called :rolleyes:
  15. N

    GP32 Outrun/hang-on Race Track Graphic Effect?

    Okay, so it's probably a bit strange to see me asking how the Outrun/Hang-on race track effect is done, seeing as how old and out of date it is etc ;) Funny thing is, I can understand and code Mode-7 and voxel stuff, but I'm not sure how to recreate this kind of graphics effect. I'm pretty sure...
  16. N

    GP32 Topic For Upcoming Tuto...

    Something on fast (or atleast decent speed) sprite scaling, and maybe even rotation, although I know thats a lot more CPU intensive. I can code both of those myself, but I've never figured out a fast way of doing it. Maybe even Daz could shed some light on the subject, seeing as his Mode 7 game...
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    How exactly does it calculate the battery life? Forgive me if the answer is blatently obvious :lol:
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    Tomak Compo 2004

    Seems a bit strange that they -don't- want any kind of compo splash screen in the entries :huh: Something doesn't smell right :D
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    GP32 Uart Example Code

    I imagine data transfer would be pretty slow at 9600 baud :blink: Still, I love this kinda thing, so I'm definatly interested. Would you be willing to post the source code at the end? I'm not bothered if its messy or anything, I'd just like to get to grips with the EXT port and how stuff like...
  20. N

    Midi Player For Gp32!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    There's a reason for its size. First of all, the GP32 has no hardware midi support so it all has to be done in software. Your PC has a sound card and the Midi is part of that. All of the instrument samples are on the sound card, but because the GP32 doesn't have this, the instruments have to be...