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  1. T

    Name This Old Atari Game

    There's a game called Wing Wars that had a sort of two headed dragon thing. Is that it?
  2. T

    Gp2x Brings Thoughts Of Atari Lynx !!!!

    I'm almost in tears. Due to advanced poorness, I've had to squeeze every last gram of fun out of my non-overclockable gp32 'no light unit'. I was coping OK too. Then somebody had to mention that it's like playing slimeworld on the lynx only better. Does anybody want to buy an internal organ...
  3. T

    My Greatest Gp2x Wish Is.... And A List Of Must Have Games According T

    They must have only played 8 games between them on the Lynx. "Todd's Adventures in Slime World" for #9?
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    Guy Who Wants To Sue Gamepark, Gph, Me & Ed

    Maybe I should have introduced myself first. I didn't mean to give anyone the fear, I just got over excited. So just to clarify *no beard... not him*. Erm, hello everybody. I'm new here.
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    Guy Who Wants To Sue Gamepark, Gph, Me & Ed

    Yes, you got me. I thought if I didn't call myself Geoffrey I wouldn't get found out.
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    Guy Who Wants To Sue Gamepark, Gph, Me & Ed

    Take a look at Geoffrey's posts on, for it is he.