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  1. C

    Heretic2x Released

    It shouldn't be that difficult (but what do I know?) to get the engine to use the full 320x240 resolution, because, for example, PrBoom for GP2X does this. PrBoom stretches the status bar, though, I'm sure it would look a lot better if that "feature" could be turned off...
  2. C

    Nethack And Stick Click

    Nethack is the best GP2X game. :) Speaking of stick-click, it'd be very nice if you could rest (L+stick) for a specified amount of turns, like you can in PC nethack by pressing, say, n100. to rest 100 turns (or until something interrupts you). And now while I'm at it, there are a couple of...
  3. C

    Lowest Program Clocks.

    Nethack is fine at about 80 MHz, only the loading times grow a bit but it's still not bad at all. Going even lower than that, the scrolling might get a little choppy but it's still perfectly playable.
  4. C

    Gpfce V0.2 Released

    You can try to make all the money in the world with GPL'd software, the licence doesn't disallow that.