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  1. K

    Gp2x Mkii - Better Viewing Angle When Held Upside Down?

    I've also noticed this about viewing angle... just for the record. Pretty much the only thing that bothers me about the otherwise good-for-the-price screen; I have to hold the GP2X in my palms just a bit differently than what would be the "extreme comfort angle" :P
  2. K

    Poker2x V1.1 Released

    Despite being old news, I'd just like to thank you DaveN for this simple but entertaining game! I just lost 8 euros to my friends last week in the real game (luckily we play with small bets), so this will help me practice a bit until the next real game... The game flows really well and is quick...
  3. K

    Best Gp2x-able Shump?

    Lot's of excellent suggestions here, as I missed most of the arcade & console shoot'em ups at the time... especially the PC Engine seems to have great titles in this department. And on Mame, you can always play the classic Phoenix, which is the first game I ever played at the arcade (I still...