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  1. P

    Gphoto2 Anyone?

    I am thinking of carrying my pandora as my companion to my EOS 5D Mark II using gphoto2 on the pandora ( But I am unsure as whether or not it is possible to control the camera using the pandora. ... So ... Craig or anyone else with a dev-board... has the pandora been...
  2. P

    3d Toolkits

    I have not been able to find which 3d toolkits people are planning to port. I often use the GLUT when I make small evaluation applications. GLUT is a toolkit for windowing and keyboard input, it is available on most platforms and is very easy to work with when it comes to creating simple OpenGL...
  3. P

    How About Using This Thing For Powerpoint?

    Im thinking that the pandora might be the ideal machine for displaying powerpoint slides. It is small enough to bring in your pocket, but it has good enough processing power that you can use it to display powerpoint slides in real time. HOWEVER... only one thing is missing..... VGA output. A...
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    S-video Port Question

    I have conducted a few searches in the forum, and I have not come up with an answer to this question. I understand that the pandora will have an s-video port. My question is whether it will use the 7-pin s-video connector or the 4-pin s-video connector. The 7-pin one, like in a laptop, can...
  5. P

    GP2X Playing .mod Files On Gp2x

    I used the search feature to find out if anyone here has asked this question before but I found no good info for the gp2x.... Has anyone here gotten a .mod playing library to work on the gp2x? I would appreciate some help on this issue, preferably a working example or some code cut from a...
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    Frotz For Gp32 With Chatboard

    I have made a port of Frotz (Dumb frotz) for the GP32. It has a few things that are unique compared to other ports. It has support for reading clue files while you go, so when you are stuck, press start and you can read any .txt file in GPMM\DOCS and then return to the game where you were by...
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    GP32 Error Msg: Hardware Fp, Projbin Uses Software Fp

    I got a strange error message while trying to compile a project using mrmirkos SDK.... does anyone know what this means? :( arm-elf/bin/ld: ERROR: /cygdrive/c/Temp/ccKFf9KX.o uses hardware FP, whereas projbin uses software FP /plupp
  8. P

    Any News From Yoyofr On Opensnes?

    I have been away from the GP32 Scene for some time and I did a search but found no interesting news on OpenSnes9x. Does anyone know if there is/will be a new version after 0.2 or if that version is the one we will have to settle for?
  9. P

    Lucasfan Games?

    This may or may not be discussed in some other thread (I could not find it in another thread, please dont flame me if it has been discussed!) Does anyone know if it is possible to run the lucasfangames in ScummVM? Both the new maniac...
  10. P

    68000 game for mame gp32

    Does anyone know if games using 68000 processor in mame will be emulated in the mame version for the gp32 that is being worked on? Some of my favourite puzzle games of all time such as puzzli and pururun use a 68000 processor... and they are only around 2.5mbytes so they should fit in the ram...
  11. P

    Chu chu rocket????

    Has anyone else gotten chu chu rocket to run on the GP32? Chu chu rocket has been ported to atari ST ( so it should be possible to play it on the gp32... right? Its not that easy.... they released a zip called with 3 atari st files in it.... The...
  12. P

    Duke nukem 3d?

    Does anyone know if anyone has made an attempt to port duke nukem 3d to the gp32? I remember running it on my old 8mbyte 486 so it could be possible to do it right? /Plupp