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  1. S

    Any News?

    Hi, I bought my GP2x a year ago and havent really used it for about 6 months as I have been travelling so have sort of lost touch. Can anyone tell me of any big news that I have missed any great new releases or updates???? Cheers!!
  2. S

    Squidgesnes Scroll?

    I've only recently got my GP2X and I have found Squidesnes really amazing. However one thing has been slightly bugging me and thats the time it can take to get through the roms. On squidgesnes you dont seem to be able to hold the joystick or hold the L button either to speed up the scrolling. Im...
  3. S

    Bloody Sd Cards!

    So its my birthday in two days, my GP2X has already arrived (courtesy of but I am not going open it till my birthday. However I thought it would be useful to get an SD card ready. So I bought an Adata turbo 2gb card and card reader at the weekend and they arrived today. When I plug...
  4. S

    Where To Find Source?

    I didnt want to post an annoying post asking if this game is possible to port but I just dont know where to look to see if the source is available. I trried to google it but couldnt find anything So basically I was wondering if anyone could tell me where to search for source codes and while I...
  5. S

    Which Emus?

    This may be a really stupid question so Im sorry, but how do I know which emulator to use. For example there are around three nes emulators so is there a way to find out which is best or is there a list of the best somewhere. Cheers
  6. S

    Import Tax??

    I am probably about to buy a gp2x from play-asia as I am a very poor student so need the cheapest option. However I was wondering if anyone had had any bad experiences with them? Also does anyone know the likely hood of it getting slapped with import tax??
  7. S

    Sorry, Another Sd Post.

    I have read the info in previous posts, the sticky and the wiki page. However I'm still a little confused, I read on the wiki that 1gb Viking cards did work but in the sticky I didnt get the same impression. So basically can someone tell me whether this is a good card to get when i order my...
  8. S

    Castle Of The Wind??

    Are there any ports of castle of the wind or its sequel/prequel??
  9. S

    Thinking Of Getting One?

    I am really impressed with everything i have seen about the console and was thinkning of getting one a couple of months back but thought i would leave it a while. Now it is nearing my birthday and i am thinking of getting a GP2X again but what i really wanted to know is.. If i leave it a while...
  10. S

    Working Emulators?

    Hi i am interested in buying a GP2X but i was wondering which emulators actually work well. I have read about lots but I was wondering how well these worked. Snes Nes Gameboy Megadrive Dos Neo Geo Saturn PSX And anyother mentionable others. Any input would be great or a link to a simple page...
  11. S


    I'm thinking of buying a GP2X but im a bit confused about the dos games abitiity. Now Ive read the FAQ and it says that the source code has to be released and it said ID Software had. But does this mean that Heretic or any of the hexen games have been? Because that would really sell me the GP2X...