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  • Users: Motoman
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    Need Transcoding/ripping Help

    Well i was trying to transcode this: (The very first one) i'm using Pocket Divx and then i tried but when i transcode it to Divx and Xvid i get no sound. WTF? can anyone help me? Also i want to put...
  2. M

    Nand Help

    Hi guys............... Anyway I just found out that saving all your stuff on NAND can kill you system (OH NOES!!) But whenever I save to my SD card and try to open it through the SD card theres nothing there. But when I open NAND it has everything there. How can I stop this and save my GP2x...
  3. M

    Help Me Choose..

    Hey guys, i've needed some rechargeable batteries for teh GP2X and was wondering which of these would be best.
  4. M

    Wtf? Is My Gp2x Screwed Up?

    Jeez i'v had so many problems with my GP2X lately!!!! Anyway when i turn it on it either goes all freaky with rainbow lines or it goes to the loading screen and it gets all distorted and freaky and fades to a white screen. It cant be batteries because i just changed them.. Any ideas?
  5. M

    Omg This Is Pissing Me Off

    OMG for like the 5th time today my GP2X turns off because the batteries stop touching the contacts. Its like my batteries shrink and when I open the battery holder they just fall right out. Its really pissing me off! Anyone have any suggestions?
  6. M

    I Dont...(ah!)...i'll.... Ma.. Make.. It!!!1!&

    O man. I ordered my GP2X on Sunday and I just cant wait anymore!!!!! How long did it take you to get yours? I used Fed-ex Must it pass through customs or something? (ordered off Man. I'm just so ef-in anxious to get it. Excited!!! Also just few questions I have a...