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  • Users: Kev2442
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  1. Kev2442

    Low Latency Kernel ?

    I remember the OpenPandora's audio circuit has been designed by an audiophile, such as using Burr-Brown chips. The Pyra inherits this attention with a good TI DAC and a case optimised for the included speakers. But what about the software ? Low latency kernel is a must for many Linux audio...
  2. Kev2442

    On the upgradability of the Pyra

    Basically, the Pyra is meant to have replaceable components, close to what a desktop computer would have. We already know how you can change the LCD cable, the screen itself, the CPU board etc. The latter being intended for upgraded replacements further down the line, I'm getting somewhat...
  3. Kev2442

    Secure Skype alternatives ?

    Hey all, I thought I'd ask you guys. I've been spending the day looking at replacing a couple privacy-invasive tools, and I'm still struggling with messaging software. As a majority of you (by the looks of it) runs Linux and are receptive to FOSS software, I'm interested in your advice. I've...
  4. Kev2442

    Atari ST - hard/software recommendations ?

    Hiya, got a 1040 STE a few months ago, and it will soon be time for me to start using it. xD I've tried to find what possible mods I could give it, but I guess asking you guys is a good start as well. So here goes : 1) I know of the C64 Computer Saver. Are there equivalent PSU protections...
  5. Kev2442

    Any chance of Everdrives back in stock ?

    All in the title. I'd rather continue to support the Pyra project by buying them from you, but they are out of stock. Do you plan on getting some in the following times ?
  6. Kev2442

    What can each of us do to help the Pyra ?

    Hi all, I just had this random thought : I've got a Colormunki Display, so once I get my Pyra, I can calibrate it and post the color profile. As the screen is pretty much the same across batches, it could be included in future Pyra OS versions. So now, what can you guys do, especially things...
  7. Kev2442

    Calling devices for the Pyra ?

    Hi all, as you know, the Pyra doesn't exactly have the form-factor of a phone. Yet it has all the hardware requirements to make a good calling device. That's why I'm asking the following : Could we make an inventory of most useable devices that would be compatible with it ? We are surrounded...
  8. Kev2442

    Astronomy, engineering and a 2000 years old computer.

    While reading the description of Techmoan's latest video (if you like old tech and don't know this guy yet, it's epic), he mentioned an extraordinary documentary from the BBC, right here : I'm not much of a documentary guy (prefer reading Wikipedia at my own pace), but that one was fantastic...
  9. Kev2442

    Audio on the Pyra : a state of things ?

    Many of us are planning on using the Pyra as an audio player, and even more care about its audio out in general. In some of the last news about the subject, you planned on using the TWL6040 with an additional amp instead of the PCM1773 from the Pandora, but still including both on the...
  10. Kev2442

    My little Linux adventure...

    Hi all, this is and will be some kind of log. Warning : this is gonna be one hell of a ride. Beware of the TLDR syndrom. Introduction (Day 0) : The (long-term) plan : Get the laptop. Install Linux on laptop. Set up a working platform covering my everyday needs. Learn to...
  11. Kev2442

    Back To The Future day

    Come on guys, I'm surprised no one ever said anything yet. So as you might know, in BTTF II, Marty arrives in the future Hill Valley on the 21st of October, in 2015, at 16:29, californian daylight-saving time. Today is a big day for Sci-Fi fans of the world. BTTF II is now talking about the...
  12. Kev2442

    Would a kit Pyra be cheaper ?

    Hi all, quick question here. I don't think I'm the only one here liking parts assembly (the geek evolution is basically from LEGOs to PCs  :D ), so I thought : If we buy all parts at once from ED's shop, but as spares, would we get a Pyra for less than if it was fully assembled ? I'm not...
  13. Kev2442

    New render of the Pyra

    I'm pretty sure most of you guys have noticed ED's latest tweet, but anyway : Looks like there's at least a semi-final layout written on it. Could this be a sign of the end of times ? :ph34r:   Anyway, it's a good thing that we now...
  14. Kev2442

    Pyra as an HCPC

    Hi everyone, I'm wondering what we could do with the Pyra's USB/eSATA ports, and here are my personal ideas : - Plug in an external DVD/Blu-ray and connecting an home cinema with the HDMI out so you can watch movies on it. Are we able to watch 1080p BDs with it or will it be sluggish ? - Plug...
  15. Kev2442

    Questions about the Pyra concept priorities and internal working

    As I've been craving for Amiga knowledge for some time, I've stumbled upon the Natami project : They say the following : I'd like to know how the Pyra is made as it's both a handheld console and a computer. How does the internals work ? Is it made as a common...
  16. Kev2442

    Let's think about a killer game...

    Hi everybody, I'm quite the newbie here as I just registered today, although I've been reading the blog for somewhat 5 months and I'm totally buying one. There's one thing the Pandora was missing (and one of the reasons I never had one), and that's a killer game. As a reminder, a "killer...