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  • Users: meancode
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    I Got The Joystick Cap Replacement

    Hi, I thought spending $15 to get the joystick cap replacement from the US store was a little rough on the wallet. But I can live with it. Especially after I stick the sucker on! My initial reaction is: why? Why didn't this come on the unit, or in the box? I now realize how much I was...
  2. M

    Gngeo2x Help Please

    Hello, I have GNGeo2x installed. I was getting bios rom errors, but noticed that my files were not named correctly. I renamed them and no longer get that error. I assume that fixed the problem. Now when I select a zip file from <roms> it shows blue progress bars for all the individual .rom...
  3. M

    I Need Help With Uae4allgp2x

    Hi, It seems I have the emu working. I can load roms. I need help with the controls. Unless I am blind (quite possible) I did not see any mention in the readme. How do I load Disk 2 when it asks? R brings up a keyboard, I assume B is used to press the key? Start switches between Joystick...
  4. M

    So What Is The Secret To Upgrading To 2.0?

    I am not doing the double secret handshake right, or something. What was wrong with launching the app through Utility anyways? So I power the unit on, hold down Start and Select, and nothing. It doesn't matter when exactly I turn the unit on, or hold down Start and Select. I am using the same...
  5. M

    Blogcritics Gp2x Review

    Hi, Here is my GP2X review. I hope it is considered for the home page. Thanks, Ken
  6. M

    Video Problems With Tv-out Cable

    Hi All, I just picked up a S-Video coupler today and now have my GP2X hooked up to my TV. If that is important, it is: Samsung 32" HD LCD. The audio plays out of both my TV speakers and the speakers of the GP2X. Is this normal? Most things seem to work fine. However, some of the emulators I...
  7. M

    Mac Os X 10.4, Usb, And My Gp2x

    Hi All, I seem to be having some wonky behavior with my GP2X and Mac G5. Every so often, say it has happened about twice or three times a day, I have to restart my computer so it will again recognize the SD card in the GP2X. Oddly enough this does not seem to matter if I use the USB cable, or...
  8. M

    What Is The Best Sms Emu?

    Hi, I am running SMSPlus2x but it freezes a lot. Does Dr MDx play SMS games? I cannot get it to play any of my .sms files. What is the best SMS emu for the gp2x? Thanks, Ken
  9. M

    I Need An Ac Adapter

    I need to buy a new adapter. Why? because the six or so I have laying around for various devices use a bigger plug to plug into the device. This GP2X uses a teeny plug in comparison. The manual says Output: DC 3V, 1A (or above). I just want to make sure here. If I have one that outputs at 5V...
  10. M

    Mame Emulation Options

    Hi all, I am running the MAME emu 1.9 on my new GP2X. How do I change stuff like the clocks speed and the frame skip? I guess I am blind, because I do not see these controls in the Ream Me file. Thanks! Ken
  11. M

    Mame Controls?

    Hi All, I will admit right now I am a GP2x nOOb. I just got it. I installed firmware 1.4.0 and downloaded the MAME emu 1.9. I have a few ROMS to play, the thing is a blast. But What are the controls to quit out of a game, or even quit out of the MAME splash screen? I read the read me and L+R...
  12. M

    GP2X Aac Format

    Hi, Forgive me if this has been asked a zillion times already, but I searched. I am also new here! I plan on writing a preview of the GP2X system and review it once I can get a review copy of the unit. I was wondering if the GP2X will ever support AAC audio files. I do not mean the Apple...