Search results for query: *

  1. TangentDelta

    Gabe Newell wants to bring steam to linux?

    I never thought I'd live to see this day! The way Windows8 is headed, I'd start porting to Linux too. Since most of the "mac" games on steam are run in a pre-packaged Wine environment, it wouldn't be all that hard to package some of them fro Linux (I...
  2. TangentDelta

    "Chipped" PS1 Problems

    Not sure if this is the correct place to get help on this, but if it isn't, could you please move it? Long Story: Short Story: Any ideas?
  3. TangentDelta

    Firefox Crashes After a Few Minutes

    -Sent from my Pandora- I'd really like to get this solved. These ads are killing my Pandora! Although my USB port is messed up, I´ve been using my Pandora using a random 1GB SD card that I found in my old digital camera that fell in the fish aquarium. Everything works fine, but Firefox...
  4. TangentDelta

    My Pandora Took a Tumble

    I had my Pandora sitting in the car with earbuds plugged in (absolutely horrible idea) and my flash drive sticking out the back. As I went to get out of the car, the stupid earbuds snagged on my pants, pulling my Pandora with them, dropping it onto the ground. The fall knocked the battery...
  5. TangentDelta

    Strange behavior with flashdrive?

    I got my Pandora about 2 weeks ago, and I've really been enjoying it. I've been too lazy to get an SDcard to use in it, so I've been using a flashdrive as my main PND system. The only problem I found is that after ~3 times of mounting and un-mounting my drive, the Pandora no-longer recognizes...