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  1. Eric Jardim

    Purple Screen (finally!)

    Hi, Purple Screen finally got me (my half open trick lasted a few months). What do I have to do to repair it? Tried mailing sales@ but got no response. Thanks,
  2. Eric Jardim

    Release PyQt 4.8.5 (BETA)

    Please, test this! Grab the PyQt examples at the riverbank site. 'Nuff Said!
  3. Eric Jardim

    Release: PyQt 4.8.5 (BETA) for Qt 4.7.0

    Please, test this! Grab the PyQt examples at the riverbank site. It is really fun to run them. 'Nuff Said!
  4. Eric Jardim

    Pandora PyQt on OpenPandora: current status

    Hi all, I've been tweaking with PyQt since last week and with a "little" help of sebt3, I was able to compile all PyQt modules on top sebt3's qt4.7 build, using Yactfaeu toolchain. When you load the basic modules (QtCore and QtGui), it seems to work, but testing with some PyQt examples that...
  5. Eric Jardim

    PND for PyQt and/or PySide

    Hi all, The OpenPandora is almost perfect for deploying Python + Qt applications. It comes with Python and Qt4 installed, but PyQt is only available thru opkg. Further, PyQt version is pretty old, although the Qt4 version is updated. We can also build the Nokia's PySide, an alternate Qt...
  6. Eric Jardim

    Release mu-0.1

    Please, take a look at this post: Or go directly to the mu site: Thanks,
  7. Eric Jardim

    Release: mu-0.1

    Hi all, Remember my last post about the Python and Qt developing kit? I have finally released it. It is called mu, like the greek letter. Check this site: It is supposed to work with any Qt bindings (PyQt or PySide) and on any operational system...
  8. Eric Jardim

    PyQt4 missing module

    Hi, Just a few days ago, I realized that my Pandora came with Python and Qt4. Long ago (2006) I've designed a tiny kit to rapidly create UI-based applications with no redundancy and clear code, based upon PyQt4. I was curious to port some of my applications to the Pandora just to see if I...
  9. Eric Jardim

    How do I fix the Pink Screen?

    Hi, My (first batch) Pandora started to present this "pink screen" phenomena. I am not very sure if it is pink ou purple because I am actually color blind, but the fact is that it is not working properly. This phenomena happens when the lid is not fully opened. Sometimes even when it is...
  10. Eric Jardim

    PND criticism

    Hi all, I know the Pandora has few NAND memory (512MB) and even fewer free NAND (~90MB). That makes the defauld package management (opkg) almost impossible to work with. I also know that it should be worked out with the PND files, that are "ready-to-use" packages that not bloat the NAND. But...
  11. Eric Jardim

    DEL and INS not working

    Hi all, Everybody knows that the top-right key button is the Backspace/Delete/Insert button. At my Pandora, if you press it, the backspace works fine. But when you combine Shift+BS or Fn+BS it should yield Delete and Insert respectively. But for me, it still gives a backspace?!?! Does...
  12. Eric Jardim

    Tomb Raider I & II for PSX / PlayStation

    Hi, For those who already have a Pandora console at hand, or, anyone that can answer this question: are the games Tomb Raider I and II going to work with the current Pandora PSX emulator (pcsx rearmed or psx4pandora)? I have tested all 5 games, but these first two don't work (actually they...