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  • Users: darkman
  • Content: Threads
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  1. darkman

    First Dingoo Homebrew!

    Rubido was released for the dingoo this past week. :D
  2. darkman

    My Gp2x Directional Mod

    After almost two years of daily heavy use my joy pad on my GP2X died. I began to look through the Archives of this site for info on directional pad mods, that others had made. I finally was inspired by “Bacteria's” concept of using the plastic and aluminum foil thing. (My soldering tools are not...
  3. darkman

    New Cheap Chinese Sega Portable......

    There is another one of those cheap Chinese Sega portables out. This time it has 16 bit Megadrive games. Saw this on Play-Asia. It is self contained with around 20 games. The games are, * Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle * Alien Storm * Altered Beast * Arrow Flash *...
  4. darkman

    Neo Geo Cd

    After playing a lot of the Neo games on the GP2X, I just had to pick up one of these this past week. Been having a great awesome time. :lol: It came with three games, Fatal Fury Special, KOF 94, and KOF 96. I also picked up a few others like Showdown 2 and 4, KOF 95, and KOM 2. KOF 96 has...
  5. darkman

    What Is Exactly A Noac?

    I am sure that there are people here that can answer a question that has been nagging my brain. What is the difference between a Nintendo on a chip and an Emulator? Is the NOAC just a well built emulator burnt to a chip? I was wondering because I'm thinking that the NES and SNES clone systems...
  6. darkman

    Datel Games 'n' Music

    Has any one tried this yet. I am about to pick one up. It looks like it could be very good. :huh: Datel Games n Music Another link concerning Datel Games n Music Wouldn't mind trying the DS homebrew. :D I was womdering if any emulators work with it. :)
  7. darkman

    Kitty Litter Cake?

    I just had to post this link. It kind-of makes one look at Tootsie Rolls in a totally different way. :lol: How to make "kitty litter cake"
  8. darkman

    Psp Price Drop!

    I just noticed today while I was out shopping today that the PSP has had a nice price drop. Here in the US it is now $169.99 USD for the core system. That is a very good price drop of $30.00. I wonder if it is enough to make it tempting? I started looking over the games available and have...
  9. darkman

    Nintendo Ends Gamecube Production!

    Nintendo has stopped Gamecube system and Gamecube game production. It seems a little sad, but then again this officially signals that the Next generation of gaming is here for Nintendo as the Wii takes the seat of being Nintendo's home console. No More Cube Support link I guess this was...
  10. darkman

    Rediscovering The Nintendo 64.

    I found out this past week that all of the Gamestop and EB Games locally are selling out of their used N64 and PS1 games. They will not longer carry any of these games any more, nor will they buy any back. It is a buy one get one free thing until they are all gone, so I decided to add to my puny...
  11. darkman

    10 Most Dangerous Toys!

    This link shows 10 of the most dangerous toys of all time. I used to have one of those toys. It was the thing maker! My brother, sister, and I used it until the hot plate burnt out. Then we did the next safest thing, we used the electric stove in the kitchen! 10 most Dangerous Toys! Better...
  12. darkman

    My Gp2x Has Been Educational This Week!

    I grew up around pinball machines and other arcade machines when going to the arcade, I sort-of missed out on some things when it comes to the video games of the past. (I did play pong in my teens) My attention was elsewhere, like getting married and having a family. I did visit the Arcade every...
  13. darkman

    Tigers Tv Now

    Has anyone seen one of these things in action? It is a portable video player put out by Tiger. The package says, Hook TV NOW Up To VIDEO "LINE OUT" Jacks On Your DVD Player, VCR, Cable Box, Satellite Receiver Or TV. (2)Press Record (3) Take Your Favorite Shows Wherever You Want To Go. *128 MB...
  14. darkman

    Another Batman Vs. Joker Movie?

    I have always felt that Jack Nicholson was the best Joker. To me, he brought the character to life. I never thought, while watching his performance, hey this is Jack. My mind was saying this is the Joker. I was so hoping with the next Batman movie that they would have a “never before villain”...
  15. darkman

    Celebrating My Gp2x!!

    I ordered my GP2X so that it would arrive at the beginning of the USA 4th of July Holiday. I took the whole week off so that I could spend time diving into this little jewel. I have spent hours playing games and I mean it has been long hours. The game playing has grown from the beginning with...
  16. darkman

    How Much Does It Cost You To Play That Game?

    I thought this was very interesting. DX Gaming Nice little study on what it cost to have a game system plugged up running and playing or idle while you sleep. I normally have up to 4 or 5 plugged in at one time throughout the house. I might be tempted to unplug a few things now, unless I am...
  17. darkman

    Any Game Music Curses?

    How many have played games that come back to haunt you in the form of their jingle or music? You are either standing in line at a shop, at work, or lying down in hopes of a good nights sleep and wham! The music has been burned into your brain cells and suddenly it begins playing over and over...
  18. darkman

    The Vgpocket 50 Games

    Some time ago there was a thread in here somewhere dealing with interest in this little unit. I picked it up this weekend. Here are my first impressions. My pic above is for size comparison. My digital cam is not very good with close ups. The One on the left is the Vg. The “VgPocket 50 games”...
  19. darkman

    Refurbished Gp32!

    They look like they might be NLUs. But they are only $79.90 USD! It says they are refurbished. Lik Sang
  20. darkman

    Handheld History!

    I picked up the latest issue of "Pocket Games" yesterday at Borders. They have been doing a pocket games timeline. Inbetween the introduction of the Gameboy Advance and the N-Gage they have the GP32 by Gamepark. It is actually the first time I have seen real recognition of this little system...