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  1. M

    SMC writer

    Hey guys, seeing as how my Pc-link doesn't work at all I'm on my last legs here. Is there any way to format your card, and install free-launcher and movie park with just a SMC writer?
  2. M

    Process error

    Hey guys I'm having a major problem, I can get my computer to recognize gamepark but I can't format my card it always says. "an error has occured in the gp32 during process" now I'm a patient person so I've searched the forums, and almost jumped outta my seat when I saw nutzo's post but...
  3. M

    Credit Card security

    Hey guys, Well I've finally decided to plunk down money for this crazy peice of machinery, but being the anal person that I am, I'm a little worried about my credit card number. I vaugely remember people mentioning how to make your transfer secure, but I just can't seem to recall anything...
  4. M

    Play Asia, and moviepark

    Hey guys, new member here just wondering about play-asia. I've seen lots of comments about (with good reason) and lik-sang (which I'm sure everyone knows about), but no one seems to be talkign about play-asia. I was searching for the cheapest place to purchase the GP32 and it was at...