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  • Users: AukonDK
  • Content: Threads
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  1. A

    Uplink port?

    What does everyone think of a port of Uplink for the GP? Probably would never happen (small company, wouldn't have time, wouldn't want to release source either) but would this kinda game work on our lil GeePee? or is this just my way of seeing if my fellow GP fanatics like the same games as...
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    GPSpeccy 0.06

    Can someone tell me where i can d-load the latest version of the speccy emu? the link at gp32emu seems to be dead and everywhere else i've tried only has v.0.05
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    Port suggestion

    I dunno what it is but something about these old speccy games gives me a rather special feeling of nostalgia... it could be that my parents spent more time playing them than caring for me, which kinda explains the way i am today :lol: neway... a few years back Craig Rothwell (who i've seen...
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    GP32 Praise and gpSCUMM stuff

    I got my GP on Tuesday and i love this thing!!! :D I've already worked my way thru DOTT and am about to start on the Monkey islands. Neway, has anyone here tried putting a talkie version of a scumm game on the the GP32? My bro kidnapped my CD of DOTT and Sam and Max when he moved out, and the...