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  • Users: Amon_Re
  • Content: Threads
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  1. A

    Horizontal stripes on screen > display cable?

    Hi guys, My OpenPandora seems to have developed an issue with it's display, I have intermittant horizontal stripes on the screen. According to the sticky topic there's extended warrenty on these kinds of issue's but little information as to how to actually request a repair. Anyone care to...
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    Ohboy & The Caanoo

    Hey guys, I've noticed that there are quite a few versions of ohboy out there for the Caanoo, is there one that features deadzones? The analog stick is way to jumpy for me :(
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    Caanoo-Msx And The Black Screens

    Hi guys, Does anyone of you have experience with emulating an MSX2 computer? I'm trying to get several (translated) RPG's to run and for the life of me I can't get them to display anything. Sound works and booting the second game disks does work, but the intro's on the first disk just won't...
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    Ys Book I & Ii & Temper

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone managed to get Ys Book I & II running in Temper under Ginge? Whenever I try I get kicked out of Temper a bit into the intro :(
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    Getting A Pandora, Is It Possible?

    Well i've been eying the Pandora for a while now, and supply still seems to be an issue, but I'm unable to guesstimate how big of an issue. Can someone clue me in? I just checked EvilDragoon's shop and it's not even listed there, so I'm not even sure if you guys still take orders... Anyways...
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    Mame4All & Wonderboy In Monster Land Woos

    Hey guys, I was wondering if it's a PEBKAC problem, or is the emulation for Wonderboy in Monster Land in MAME4ALL rather buggy? I'm experiencing slowdowns during game play that i don't remember being there in the original game, both on Wiz and on Caanoo, independent of over clocking or not...
  7. A

    Backing Up 'nd' Cards

    I recently bought Redemption: Liar for the Wiz, and it turns out i can't transfer the game to my 8GB SD card due to a stupid DRM system, so i was wondering if anyone ever managed to backup these things & if so, how?
  8. A

    Hellfire, Snow Bros & Snow Bros 2 On File Archive

    Guys, Just noticed that someone released hellfire, Snow Bros & Snow Bros 2 onto the file archive: Hellfire Snow Bros Snow Bros 2
  9. A

    My Caanoo Review

    Just finished my review, it's available here: Flame on! :P
  10. A

    Extremely Sensitive Buttons In Alexkidd2X

    Hey guys, Just tried out AlexKidd2x and while it works nicely, the menu is almost impossible to navigate without frustrating the hell out of me, button presses seem to be extremely sensitive making navagating these menu's extremely hard. Has anyone else also experianced this, or is my...
  11. A

    Picrodrive 1.35 - Megacd Games Fail :(

    Hey guys! Been messing about abit with PicoDrive to try & run the Lunar games on it, but i can't for the life of me get the thing to work with SegaCD/MegaCD games. I have the proper BIOS files (they work on the GP2X-F100), and when i test the BIOS files i get an error PicoCartLoad() failed...
  12. A

    X68000 Emulators

    Hey guys, Does anyone know if there is a port of an X68000 emulator for the Dingo?
  13. A

    Current State Of Dingux?

    Hi folks, Awhile ago in September there was a problem with writing to the SD card, on some occasions there was a risk that the SD card would be corrupt. Is that issue solved? Couldn't find anything definitive about it.
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    New To Dingoo - Access Internal Flash Memory

    Hi guys, Just got my Dingoo, and it's a cool little gizmo, with plenty of storage inside, but how does one access the storage? I want to transfer some files to it & toy with it, but i can't seem to mount the internal storage on my linux system, is there a key combo or something required?
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    Alexkidd2x V0.6 Save Game Weirdness

    Afew days ago smspower released a retranslation of Phantasy Star (possibly the mother of all Japanese RPG's out there, play it! ;)) and i decided to play through it. My emulator of choice for the Master System is AlexKidd2x, but i noticed a strange bug with it, on several occasions, i've had my...
  16. A

    Gameboy (color) Emulation

    Been trying to get Gnuboy2x v.06 to run, but sofar it doesn't like my roms, or me :P What gameboy emu do you guys run?
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    Been Away, What Did I Miss? Alot!

    Hey folks! Can someone quickly tell me all the things i missed? What's the craignator? (Spellling?) Is the F200 worth buying? Any other developments i missed?
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    Amiga Inc About To Target The Gp2x?

    Amiga Inc's site's been updated again, it's still ugly enough to want to gauge your eyes out with a rusty fork, but what i don't particulary like is the fact there's a GP2X on that site.... Goto their "about" page, en hover over the girl in the flash movie....
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    Starting Roms From Within Gmenu2x

    Hi, I just installed the latest Gmenu2x, and i gotta say, it's BEAUTIFULL! Nicely done, but here's my question, i'd like to setup my menu in such a way that i have sections called eg [RPG's] [Shmups] [Platform] ... with in those sections links to the roms, selecting a rom should then launch the...
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    Launching Roms From Within Gmenu2x

    Hi, I just installed the latest Gmenu2x, and i gotta say, it's BEAUTIFULL! Nicely done, but here's my question, i'd like to setup my menu in such a way that i have sections called eg [RPG's] [Shmups] [Platform] ... with in those sections links to the roms, selecting a rom should then launch the...