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  • Users: piphil
  • Content: Threads
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  1. P

    Coolest Gp2x Applications

    By "applications", I don't nessesarily mean programs, I mean more "uses". What do you use your GP2X for that makes you smile and think "Damn, this is cool"? I currently watch Red vs. Blue and various other DVD-rips, play Megadrive games, Supertux etc. I get the feeling the thing is capable of...
  2. P

    Sd Cards - Deifintive Advice Please :-p

    Thanks to those of you who replied to my last post - I would have replied but for some reason I didn't get any reply notifications. I'm assuming my spam filter has blocked them, whilst letting through various emails about herbal *I AM STUPID SPAMMER* and hot lesbian pictures... Anyway, to the...
  3. P

    Quick (possibly Stupid) Question

    Having played with my GP32 gp32_console for a few months (it's awesome, ain't it?) I decided to upgrade to the GP2X, which I've just ordered. One thing confuses me though - the screen resolution is stated as 320 x 240 at, but the maximum DivX resolution is quoted as 720 x 480...
  4. P

    Video On My Gp32 - Giving Me A Headache

    Ok, new topic. Thanks to all those who commented on my previous problem - it was in fact the batteries after all, a combination of lower mHa-rated units and the fact I hadn't charged them in about 6 months. I am happy to report that DrMD is now working perfectly, and the GP32 seems quite...
  5. P

    Gp32 Gone Bang?

    Ok, I've had this GP32 BLU+ for about 2 days having bought it off eBay. I basically bought it to play Megadrive/Genesis games, which is pretty much all I've been doing. And it's been doing it well - I'm impressed with the DrMD emulation. However, this morning I was playing Sonic (original)...