That was an interesting review, it was pretty funny :lol: I agree at how annoying the twins are!! They have dolls of themselves, how annoying <_< I gotta see that game now, to witness how bad it is :D
Happy easter to everybody!!
cool you've been to Austria, I'm going ski'ing in Austria at this place called Saalbach on the first of April, can't wait! :D
WOW, long life then! :rolleyes:
I've been thinking about getting rechargables for ages but I haven't got round to buying them. Nice review by the way, I'll have a look at these. :D
It's a cool idea I think and the screen is big for the photos but I couldn't really imagine it and going around with the gp32_console taking pictures might look a bit dodgy to some people :lol: Phones are ok for taking photos anyway, in my opinion. Could be good though :D
I like subtitles, it helps a lot with some films like I used it with all three parts of the Godfather for helping with knowing what was happening and obviously helps a hell of a lot when you're watching a foreign language film :lol: , but dubbing is extremely annoying, it's horrible!! B)
I have to agree that MAME is my favourite emulator, oooh it's nice. My second favourite would be Drmd, I need to try version 2.0 though, I haven't used it yet! :D
I am also a victim of loads of people gazing at it, in school or out and then interupting play by asking me if it is a 'game boy' or a 'new game boy', it gets annoying, kinda funny though :lol: . When I first recieved my GP32 I thought it looked quite horrible, one reason was the frame around...
It is true that the majority of GP32 users are male, it's mainly a male thing (obviously it isn't unnatural for a female to like it aswell :rolleyes: ). I'm sure he didn't mean any offense to you although he could have kept his thoughts inside. :)
Happy St.Patricks Day! (for 4 days ago!)
Celebrating in style I read, the welsh don't celebrate the St Davids day like that! (well I haven't notice anyone) :D
Princess Mononoke,
Happy Gilmore,
Basil the great mouse detective,
Blue streak,
The Godfather Trilogy (all three),
(There are loads more but these are ten of them, not in any order) :rolleyes: