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  1. Z

    Hacked Again...

    My Firefox keep asking for user name and password saying site is ristricted. Is every1 else getting this? Update: Its stopped now.
  2. Z

    Want To Buy Gp2x (again!)

    Try this never mind, only worth going here if in uk
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    It Crashed

    This has happened to me. Sometimes i have to turn it on leave it for 1min then turn off and then back on. Do this a couple of times and it seemt to fix itself. Its scary but im just glad it didnt brick. Thats not to say that next time it wont though.
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    Gngeo Rom Size

    Didnt some1 say something like a 30mb limit on roms?
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    Newbie With A Bunch Off Issues

    The adapter is not standard for the GP2X, i just bought the official 1 but ther is a way to get it to work, but im not the person to ask. Try using high power re-chargable batteries. Energiser 2500 are good.
  6. Z

    Wouldn't It Be Cool To Get An Internal .85" Hdd

    Didnt craigx post that GPH was working on some kind of HD?
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    Searching For Mariokart Clone

    Mariokart ran on my GP2x. I just left it for ages and it eventually gets to the menu. It still doesn’t run right though. It does the typical error on emulators where you cant pick up the ? blocks and if you leave the track you get picked up and put back on it.
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    Xgp/xgp Mini News

    Of all the different designs they have come up with, these are looking like they might get somewhere but I agree they are probably vapourware, especially the mini. But I find it interesting that there is talk of homebrew on this, as that was the reason for the split in the first place.
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    Xgp/xgp Mini News

    Well this will change things, as i thought that Gamepark were going down the no homebrew road.
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    Xgp/xgp Mini News

    Be compatable with GP32 official games or homebrew?
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    Omg I Cannot Wait Till Monday

    Look what item 18 is. :)
  12. Z

    Squidgesnes 0.35

    Did you deleted the old skin directory and replaced it with the new 1? or did you just over-right it?
  13. Z

    Squidgesnes 0.35

    New version works great, not seeing any volume change message, but the volume is changing. Using the TVout version Firmware 1.0.1 Great job Squidge. I just finnished Mario World on the GP2X today, without sound. Now i have a reason to play a bit more. :) PS i deleted the 0.34 version before...
  14. Z

    Davec's Joystick Cap

    I was found that after a week or two of playing with the GP2X's original stick it could freely be turned and taken off with easy. The new cap is much better for games that were originaly designed to have a D pad. Tetris for 1 is so much easier now. With the original stick you have to move to...
  15. Z

    Clrmame Osx?

    I tried to use ClrMAME Pro but i couldn’t get mame to work with the roms (i may just be stupid though). i found the torrent a nice short-cut. I haven’t heard of any1 mention any alternative programs on the PC or Mac.
  16. Z

    Clrmame Osx?

    Try doing a search on the forum for "mame romset rollback torrent" or just look here:
  17. Z

    So... You Need A Card Reader?

    I would recommend getting a card reader. The SD card should work straight out of the box and I haven’t had to format mine, but transferring files to the card is much better done through a card reader, rather than the USB cable, which doesn’t work half the time. You should be able to get a card...
  18. Z

    Hires Gp2x Photos Needed

    ask craigix. Hes here on the board and is the person to talk to in the UK. He's from
  19. Z

    Advice Wanted On Gp2x Purchase

    I would recommend getting a SD card and card reader over getting the TV out cable for now. As these are essential items for the GP2X. My GP2X came with a card reader for free from, but not sure if this is a standard thing, or if I was just special. (Thank you craigix it was a nice...
  20. Z

    Advice Wanted On Gp2x Purchase

    I ordered a PSU from Play asia and all i had to do is use the cable from an old stereo to plug it in. Actually its my old Dreamcast cable. Also ordered an official case and a screen protector, but im a bit disapointed with the screen protector. Its not big enough to cover the whole screen so i...