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  • Users: id10t
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  1. id10t

    [SOLVED] Battery cover - where can I get one quickly? :P

    ED sent me a replacement. Great service (even if it took a while due to extreme workload)
  2. id10t

    Contacting ED

    Just a quick comment to say ED replied to my email about a broken battery cover and sent me a replacement for free. Who can grumble about that kind of service? cheers ED!
  3. id10t

    Revisit the TV out cable design

    This is like one of those "Monster cables" vs "Poundland" cables debates. Generally if the connection is sound and the cable run is short you won't notice a difference. Where the cable quality becomes an issue is over long runs (attenuation), or where there is going to be a likelihood of...
  4. id10t

    Revisit the TV out cable design

    Funny, I have lots of AV cables lying around my room including those gp2x ones (and the breakout board) I would not have thought twice about picking up a second cable of the right length for a few pounds. I guess some people prefer a single solution over a modular option. Can't please...
  5. id10t

    Revisit the TV out cable design

    ...neatly tracked to a connection point) so that I could plug in the pandora on demand without having to disconnect the extension cable from the TV when I take the pandora away. Spare male phono to phono leads of variable length are easy to find. Anyone else agree? ID *edited for...
  6. id10t

    [SOLVED] Battery cover - where can I get one quickly? :P

    Just broke the outer two tabs on mine. Had to do a battery remove after a lock up on HF6 caused by installing stuff from the repo,
  7. id10t

    SETI - Why look for Alien life when the odds are they have found us

    One of the problems I have with ET ships arriving and departing is that our current science would likely detect the effects of any kind of "faster than light" mechanism. Some of the credible theories for getting around the speed of light limit involve manipulating spacetime. We know that...
  8. id10t

    Kindle Fire

    ...(got it brought into the UK with someone returning from the US). I rooted it to Cyangenmod7, and since then I haven't switched on my Pandora! *shock* The Kindle Fire looks like a later chipset than the Nook, but I don't think it adds anything worth shouting about. Why haven't I used the...
  9. id10t

    Pandora For Sale Ireland (Belfast)

    I thought I was the only one in BFS with a Pandora ;-) I'll ask a few of the people who have seen mine if they are interested. ID
  10. id10t

    Getting Discouraged

    I can relate to that. I had told everyone who would listen that the Pandora was going to do a bunch of cool things. A sofa surfing gadget. A games console connected to the TV. A mini media player for the bedroom TV. A holiday substitute for a laptop (with ssh and vpn etc). But then time...
  11. id10t

    Your pandora has been shipped

    I posted this before: Pandora arrived 17 January 2011 - 02:44 PM order date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:46:17 +0100 (BST) queue estimate: 1400 - 1600 -> 950 - 1050 -> 750 - 850 over the two years
  12. id10t

    Release Worker 2.17.11

    Can't believe no one said thanks for this! Maybe you need to have used Dopus on the amiga. I did, and still use it on Windows. So thanks!
  13. id10t

    Audio IN

    I have my panda already and it's fantastic - but hadn't seen any way to test the line in. I didn't think of cat'ing the audio device! *thinks* so I could pipe from /dev/<input> to /dev/<output> The headphone sound is great - but the speakers don't compare to powered external speakers...
  14. id10t

    Audio IN

    This is a two parter 1. Is the audio line IN only on the port on the back? That is, there is not a mono audio in on the headphone jack like an ipod touch. 2. Is there any recording software yet? Anyone trying to port audacity? I'd like to use the panda as an amplifier+speakers...
  15. id10t

    Release truecrypt port

    I got it past the compilation stage, but then got stuck again at the linking. By coincidence I had downloaded Yactfeau just before you posted. I was using the original djwillis chain, but there's a fair bit of sidework to track down libs and headers. Maybe Yactfeau will sort that. I know...
  16. id10t

    A little button fix!

    Another squishy A button fixed. I had to use a dremel to ream out the center bump.
  17. id10t

    Organizing, coding, building, geez. (2011-03-04)

    Well, I'd just like to say I got a normal (sub 1000?) pandora and apart from a squishy A button, it's great. This is a brilliant piece of kit. I'm not much of a gamer, I'm a unix admin and the OS is already doing nearly everything I could want from a linux laptop. Next week will be...
  18. id10t

    Booting from the pandora

    I have a micro SD card in a usb reader. I run UltimateBootCD4Win from it. The same SD card mounted in the pandora and exported as a mass storage device is not detected by the Bios as a bootable device on my laptop, whereas the usb reader is. This is only one test on one machine, but past...
  19. id10t

    Release truecrypt port

    Yeh - I'm already doing it. It's not 100% click and go, as you have to do a modprobe fuse. But I want to build my own pnd and since I use truecrypt over different platforms, I'd like to be able to build it myself when there's a new version. Regarding the rate of porting, it's fantastic...
  20. id10t

    We got a twelve o'clock flasher on the line with an ID: 10-T error!

    We got a twelve o'clock flasher on the line with an ID: 10-T error!