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  1. myownlittlworld


    I have two example makefiles you can look at. I think I liked Bub's makefile better.
  2. myownlittlworld

    Release Super Geometry Dust

    Try Jamendo
  3. myownlittlworld

    Release Super Geometry Dust

    Seconding this bug report. Mine is also running on an EXT-formatted partition (ext2), and running on Super-Zaxxon (1.5, release). It's one of the new Rebirth Pandoras (I think it's the third one, if the serial number is to be believed :) ).
  4. myownlittlworld

    New Pandora Won't Boot?

    Looks like it came from the UK, and somehow got here in 3 - 4 days. :) It has the latest firmware.
  5. myownlittlworld

    New Pandora Won't Boot?

    Well, I have a local hackerspace to turn to and can probably pay one of them for work with a case of beer. I'll send them the video of you demoing the LCD cable change and see if I can't get any takers. If not, I'll probably send it to Link (yay non-international shipping!). Also, your...
  6. myownlittlworld

    New Pandora Won't Boot?

    The bottom one looks fine, see attached. :( Also, I don't know which bear you hired to screw those screws in, but I had to tape my screwdriver to a wrench to get enough torque to turn the larger two holding the front of the case together. Maybe hire a smaller bear next time? Finally...
  7. myownlittlworld

    New Pandora Won't Boot?

    I left it on and I think the first-boot config just completed. The colors. Ohh the colors. It's flickering like hell.
  8. myownlittlworld

    New Pandora Won't Boot?

    It was popped out, like how you see it in the videos where you demonstrate replacing the screen, except that someone had started from the top, while the screws were still in. The package itself didn't appear externally damaged when it arrived. Turning it on again to check the light: the...
  9. myownlittlworld

    New Pandora Won't Boot?

    Hi folks, I received my Pandora yesterday, but it doesn't seem to actually boot. It just gives the black screen shown in the attached picture. I thought I might've screwed it up during the first boot process, so I tried reflashing with SuperZaxxon. However, regardless of how long I hold the R...
  10. myownlittlworld

    The biggest computer/gaming mistake you have ever made.

    My university had a great deal on laptops, so I spent nearly $3k on a specced out... Gateway. The warranty was the single best deal I ever got. In 4 years, it went through 3 motherboards, 6 hard drives, two power connectors, and a video card. The first harddrive crash took the 10 best...
  11. myownlittlworld

    Acquired a Kitten.. some advice please

    ...trimming their claws every other week, or as needed. You can use official cat-nail clippers, but just make sure you do it quickly, regularly, and *never* ever cut into the pink part of the nail. You'll cut your cat: that's cat finger, not nail. Stay in the white part and you'll be fine...
  12. myownlittlworld

    Best version of Bubble Bobble?

    I can't believe you guys forgot the Bubble Bobble PND on the Repo!
  13. myownlittlworld

    Pandora on virtual machine?

    Could somebody put instructions to do this on the wiki somewhere? I'd love to follow a guide to get it running, and it'd make waiting for my Pandora a lot easier.
  14. myownlittlworld

    Release GemRB

    Try the documentation file in the PND, or check out the GemRB wiki. Both of those should contain the info you need to get running.
  15. myownlittlworld

    Two slashdot news

    Already. SleepWell is not a device specific change, it's a change in when the Access Points (the routers, etc) decide to deliver packets to their clients (Pandoras, cellphones, laptops, etc., "your WIFI devices"). The idea is that APs are aware of one another and avoid transmitting data when...
  16. myownlittlworld

    Simpsons Arcade Game?

    Is it possible to play the Simpsons Arcade game on the Pandora? If so, how?
  17. myownlittlworld

    File Location Standardization

    So, if Hakmanplayer's reaction/departure and the hubub about the repositories are any indication, folks want the Pandora to be easier to configure. We already have standard app locations, so why not standardize their config files? The way I see it, there're a few types of files that could be...
  18. myownlittlworld

    I feel like going back to my old job as the village idiot

    Nah, tails happen (very rarely, IIUC). Most of the time they're just lopped off when the kids are born though, cause they're, well, weird. Kinda neat though.
  19. myownlittlworld

    Any good RPG games?

    Just let the Baldur's Gate series consume your life. Then the Icewind Dale series. 4 games, 3 expansions, years of play time. There's also the fan-made expansions (though you should stay away from the BG2 fixpack, IIRC, the developers don't actually test their completely arbitrary changes)...
  20. myownlittlworld

    Is Sony Sick?

    He hasn't posted at all today! He didn't even make the leaderboard, and making the leaderboard requires making 3 or more posts.