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  1. I

    Chatboard For Fenix?

    Ok, I'm not sure if this has been covered, but I was thinking that chatboard support for Fenix would be excellent. It would allow broader games and apps to be created, and maybe even encourage some people to buy a chatboard (mine should be getting here... any day now). So anyone have any idea...
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    Source For 16mb Smc?

    Hey, I've looked around a bit and in the mainstream the ol' SMC seems to be becoming scarce. I was wondering whether anyone would know a good source for cheap 16Mb cards, in bulk in need be. Thanks in advance, Damian
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    Loving The Gp32! :)

    Mine? Yeah sure, every little bit of support for the GP32 counts I guess ;) We need more glowing testimonials on the web to encourage more ppl to buy all the GP32's that will likely turn up on ebay after the gp2x release ;)
  4. I

    Loving The Gp32! :)

    I was wondering about that, hasn't there been a successful hack to allow more than 128Mb SMCs for the GP32? Anything? I noticed another thread about an SD card hack, that has probably been discontinued due to the arrival of the GP2X and it's SD storage capacity... Would be excellent to have...
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    Loving The Gp32! :)

    Thanks guys, good to see there's still a lotta love for the ol' GP32, no doubt the active gp32 scene might attract more people now some will be auctioning them off on ebay most likely. I'll not be parting with this carrybag though, it's just class. The plastic internal cover looks like a good...
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    The Gp32 Scene

    Yeah, I really think that the influx of interest created by the GP2X and even from the release of the PSP oddly enough (which is what brought me back to GP32) is really going to count for something in the near future. GP2X might seem to make the GP32 scene a thing of the past, but in many ways I...
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    Loving The Gp32! :)

    ...Gp32 screen. Then fired up some of the old scene demos, nice to see Hitmen in there with some old school demo style. Is there any scene Groepaz is *not* in? ;) Keeping in the old school theme, I couldn't wait to get Frodo up and running with all the commie classics. This is a massive shock...
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    Linuxdevices Again !!

    <cues cheesy wacko jacko song>
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    Am I Too Late?

    Wow, that's excellent news for the initial popularity of the GP2X :) Hopefully the next batch won't take too long ;)
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    Blu+ - Why So Much Dearer?

    That's what I figured, thanks :) I've basically bought a GP32 at the last minute because I couldn't wait for the GP2X and there is so much excellent homebrew available for the GP32 already, one of those people that considering buying a GP32 years ago and never got around to it ;) And it should...
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    Am I Too Late?

    Hmm... In another thread it was claimed the first run of GP2X's was in the order of 3000 or so, all of these have been sold out? Seems unlikely. Also if this is the case, shouldn't the sites offering pre-orders state openly that the first batch have been sold out? It would suck just a bit to...
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    Next Gen Console

    Wow, that's an interesting joining of forces there. Especially the talk of allowing the multiplayer arcade network link in with home consoles...
  13. I

    Gph Post Responce On Gp4

    SO, who's up for making a Gameking emulator for the GP32/GP2X? It would have to run at full speed at least, hehe. And that Brian whatsisname has to be one of the craziest homebrew h/w hackers I've ever seen, awesome stuff!
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    Blu+ - Why So Much Dearer?

    Dammit, no Pinball Dreams? How well does it run on GP32 in UAE? ;) My GP32 BLU+ should arrive in the mail any day now, and I'm doing my best not to get worried from all the naysayers that reckon it's no good...... I mean, surely if there were major incompatibility problems then sites like gbax...
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    Gpx2 Launch Date ??

    I noticed in that translated minivan article that there are only going to be 500 in the first line of GP2X units? Does anyone know if this is true and whether the pre-orders worldwide have exceeded this number yet?
  16. I

    Gph Post Responce On Gp4

    Why emulate 8-bit on the PSP when you can have a stylish PSP case with a cheap nes clone in it (LCD Screen optional)! Classic That alibaba site seems to be full of just about every cheap knockoff you can think of, and then loads of variants on the cheap knockoffs :P
  17. I

    Gph Post Responce On Gp4

    Ah right, well maybe they will update to the latest black photos of the GP2X, it looks much cooler :lol:
  18. I

    Gph Post Responce On Gp4

    'Scuse the double post, but this is funny. Did anyone notice the name of this Chinese company? Well the website that is claiming to sell it anyway - Alibaba! I wonder if the 40 theives had a hand in procuring the GP4 technology! eheh
  19. I

    Gph Post Responce On Gp4

    You mean it was the Koreans that blew up the Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand?! Seriously tho, the biggest issue I can see with this if it is a perfect clone is that it may cause GPH to do the only thing they can do, which would be to hold back the release and build something into the GP2X to...
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    GP2X List Of Sdl Games That Needs To Be Sorted Through

    Excellent news that it is actually the original porter of Abuse planning to take it to GP2X :) It's a quality title and worth the wait, and what's more there was some development on level editors etc for the Free Abuse project I think he is involved in as well. That would be great for the GP2X...