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  • Users: fells
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  1. F

    Psx4All Released For The Wiz

    great job! Thanks zodttd!
  2. F

    Trouble Getting Outcast (Atari St) Emulator To Work

    Malgayne, just FYI, I got it to work. I got a tos102us.img file, and made sure it was (a) uppercase TOS.ROM (not just tos.rom) but also (B) removed the xattr's my mac os x install put on the card. If you're on OS X, those xattrs really mess stuff up. Anyway, it works now!
  3. F

    Usb Host

    Ah no, I meant my cable goes from serial TX/RX (3.3V) to a FT USB board that converts those to USB serial for console. I have a post on the developer forum called something like "build your own cable for $25" last week that describes it. The board is tiny, is $14, does everything you need-- you...
  4. F

    Trouble Getting Outcast (Atari St) Emulator To Work

    I talked to skeezix over PM, nice guy!! He thinks our problem is our TOS image. I am using a TOS 1.2 UK image i think, which works fine in all emulators I've ever used (including the DS ST emu, NoSTalgia on the mac, etc) but skeezix thinks his emu is more picky about the ROM. I'll get on the...
  5. F

    Usb Host

    Yep, I used sbock's / andy's pinout for both this and my serial connection. I now have a cable that's got USB slave male and USB host female on one end and wiz connector on the other. The usb slave is for serial, the host is for whatever. Yes, release Wiz 1.1.0 firmware. USB MIDI should "just...
  6. F

    Usb Host

    Yep, confirmed works for me too. I also tried a usb gamepad which let me control the menu. A USB sound card lit up and was recognized but probably needed some kernel modules insmod'd before they would work, but I'll keep playing. I just wired USB-, USB+, ground and 5+ from the Wiz, no extra...
  7. F

    Usb Host

    Oh man, awesome!! I got my USB cable soldered last night but didn't even try to use it because I assumed it wouldn't work. This is great news, I'll report back
  8. F

    Trouble Getting Outcast (Atari St) Emulator To Work

    I have the same problem, which sucks :( because I really want to play Time Bandit. But I can't. I tried a lot of different things. Probably the dev made it work on the older firmware and the new one made it stop working. Does anyone know if source is available or who to contact? edit: the...
  9. F

    Usb Host

    Did a search on this forum for "USB Host" and found a lot of people saying (earlier this year) that the kernel build on the devboards did not have USB host support baked in. But does the release Wizzes? I have the pinout with the +/- pins identified and will try to wire up a cable. But will this...
  10. F

    Sound Input

    yeah. the bufsize thing is real problematic for what I wanted to do, but if I'm right it should be a quick fix once we've got a way to compile & load our own kernel in. I'll also fix the mixer reporting while I'm at it :) I actually just got a $9 cheapo USB audio adapter, I'm going to try to...
  11. F

    A Slightly Incomplete Mac Toolchain

    I can help... not much of an IRC fan so if you can post orkie's scripts somewhere? i can check them out and do A/B testing mac vs. linux (I currently dev in VMWare fusion in ubuntu on a mac... kind of clunky so I have a lot of incentive!)
  12. F

    Sound Input

    ...our own rootfs we can try to fix it. Doing the SETFRAGMENT business seems to have no effect, e.g int fragment = (nbfrags << 16) | (1<<(BUF_SAMPLES*2)); iotctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, &fragment); does not help at all. The Wiz sound in seems to locked at a fragsize of 32768... which is...
  13. F

    A Slightly Incomplete Mac Toolchain

    I would love to use this but the libs in Orkie/torpor's "toolchain" that work on Linux are not compatible with this compiler. If you try to link in SDL for example you get /opt/local/devkitpro/devkitGP2X/bin/arm-linux-gcc -L/opt/local/devkitpro/arm-openwiz-linux-gnu/lib main.o -o test-sdl.gpe...
  14. F

    Is Anyone Looking Into Building Their Own Filesystem Image?

    maggu, this is great. Care to tell more? Are you just building the filesystem on your own and packing it as a jffs image on the SD card or is there something else going on?
  15. F

    Sound Input

    Of note is the source for the audio driver lists two mixer inputs -- line and mic, but the "recSel" parameter seems to be ignored and no matter which you set it to the same input is used (the onboard mic.) A pity as I was hoping for some line in action on the EXT port. Also, stereo is hardcoded...
  16. F

    Sound Input

    ...22050, stereo. #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <soundcard.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* Example of how to read input from C on the gp2x wiz */ /* by fells on */ static int mixer_fd = -1; int fd_in; FILE* file_out; float...
  17. F

    Sound Input

    Was able to get simple OSS 3.0 sound output programs compiled and run, but not sound input yet. The sound input programs compile and seem to run fine but I'm not seeing any useful audio data coming into them. Anything that opens a sound in channels shows me HYUN_DEBUG: pollux_audio_open()...
  18. F

    Caanoo / WIZ Howto: Easy Wiz Usb Serial Cable For $25 Or So

    I recently built a simple USB-serial cable for my Wiz to help in development work. Here's a list of parts and simple instructions. I ordered this Samsung E810 Serial Cable from You don't need a cable, you just need a connector. Here's a list of places to find the connector only, but...
  19. F

    Sound Input

    I am about to start writing some code that does real time sound in/out. Before I embark on it does anyone have any experience here on the Wiz? The voice recorder app seems to record at 16-bit 48Khz stereo, which is nice, but obviously the electret mic is a mono thing with probably crap freq...
  20. F

    Is Anyone Looking Into Building Their Own Filesystem Image?

    This all requires a serial connection, I assume. Is there any way we can build a ubifs image that can get flashed as if it were a new firmware download (allowing people w/o serial hookups to get a new filesystem/kernel?)