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  1. BRIGUY14

    Selling my 2nd pandora , anyone?

    So what kind of deal are you looking for? To sell your pandora.
  2. BRIGUY14

    What About Video Acceleration On The Pandora?

    Thanks WizardStan !
  3. BRIGUY14

    What About Video Acceleration On The Pandora?

    Hey everybody I was having problems with watching Youtube on my computer (It kept on buffering and playing, over and over!) :P But anyway, I took the liberty of adding some video acceleration software to my computer and that did the trick. :D I remember Evil Dragon talking about the video...
  4. BRIGUY14

    What Flaws Do You See In The Pandora?

    Hey sentinel_cl, there is a not too expenisve USB to HDMI adapter here Compact USB to HDMI.
  5. BRIGUY14

    What Flaws Do You See In The Pandora?

    Hey Everyone I am wanting to build my own version of the Pandora Console but I wanted to get your insight on what you think should be added or changed so that more complex programs can run, multitasking can be better and etc. I wanted to thank those who take the time to answer my questions...
  6. BRIGUY14

    What Flaws Do You See In The Pandora?

    ...I plan to design my own Pandora 2 (just for the fun of it) but to really correct some flaws that the original Pandora has. (Memory, OMAP processor *There is a new platform for the OMAP, its OMAP 4! So maybe that could go into the Pandora 2*, GPU and etc) But overall the Pandora is the best...
  7. BRIGUY14

    What app / game do you want to see? :)

    I'd like to see Sonic Robo Blast 2 on the Pandora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 :lol:
  8. BRIGUY14


    Hi everyone I'm making a list of things I want on the Pandora before I buy it. I wanted to know for all of thosegp32x members out there that want to use the Pandora as an alternative phone, would SvSIP possibly work on the Pandora? (With some compiling, blood, sweat and a computer) :P I know...
  9. BRIGUY14

    What About Xubuntu On Pandora?

    Lubuntu could posssibly work with the Pandora, however LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) may need to fiddled with to run on the Pandora. Stuckie could probably help us out with this. But if Lubuntu doesn't work, then hopefully Debian will advance somehow.
  10. BRIGUY14

    What About Xubuntu On Pandora?

    Hi everyone I've been doing a lot of research on the Pandora, and I wanted to know that since the Ubuntu OS extend is on hold (kind of) :P could Xubuntu work better with the Pandora? Also, if it can work better with the Pandora what work needs to be done to get it up like Debian? Thanks! ;)
  11. BRIGUY14

    I Really Want Ubuntu 10 On The Pandora!

    hey everybody I was doing some research on Extend OS project that is taking place by stuckie. I have downloaded the desktop version of Ubuntu 10 and its incredible! So, 1. What files are necessary to get Ubuntu 10 to work on the Pandora? I looked the following website Running Linux From an...
  12. BRIGUY14

    Printer Software For The Pandora, Youtube And Hulu

    I just wanted to know if the Pandora had a printer driver built into the kernel so when you use Abi Word or Open Office (With Debian Extend OS) you can print documents. Also, I saw that there is netbook called the "Smartbook" by Always Innovating and the processor in that computer is ARM...
  13. BRIGUY14

    Making The Pandora Your Official Computer

    EDIT: One more thing I wanted know. is there any other way of increasing the CPU power other than overclocking?
  14. BRIGUY14

    Making The Pandora Your Official Computer

    Thanks Gruso for everything! :D
  15. BRIGUY14

    Making The Pandora Your Official Computer

    I would like to use the Pandora to create programs for it and package it into a pnd. I was just wondering if a PC had a better advantage over the Pandora ( Not including processor and etc.) but with developing. Sorry if its kind of confusing :unsure:
  16. BRIGUY14

    Making The Pandora Your Official Computer

    I wanted to know that with some software development, could it be possible to make the Pandora your official computer? Also what limitations does the Pandora have from it being a full fledge computer?
  17. BRIGUY14

    How To Compile Drivers For Programs For The Pandora

    Hi everyone. mcobit had compiled a driver for MSI Digi Vox Mini Air adapter, and I thought that it would come in handy for all of us who may need to compile a driver that a guide should be created for it or at least some instructions. If anybody can do this it would be greatly appreciated!
  18. BRIGUY14

    Sd Card Or External Hard Drive The Main Storage Location For The Pando

    Hi everyone. I wanted to know if it was possible if you could make a SD card (Probably SDXC so I can have plenty of space) or an External Hard Drive the RAM or Storage Location for files and etc. on the Pandora?
  19. BRIGUY14

    How to compile drivers for programs for the Pandora

    Hi everyone. mcobit had compiled a driver for MSI Digi Vox Mini Air adapter, and I thought that it would come in handy for all of us who may need to compile a driver that a guide should be created for it or at least some instructions. If anybody can do this it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  20. BRIGUY14

    Can Google Talk Be Used In Google Chrome Built In To The Pandora?

    I looked at the Google Chat webpage My link and the video and voice plugin which can be used in Linux. Hooray! :lol: But will that plugin work in Google Chrome that is built into the Pandora?