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  1. P

    Defective Sd Slot...

  2. P

    Defective Sd Slot...

    I would say so. Just make sure you double-check with them which unit you are sending. And if they send back a non-equivalent unit, give 'em hell. :-P
  3. P

    Coolest Gp2x Applications

    By "applications", I don't nessesarily mean programs, I mean more "uses". What do you use your GP2X for that makes you smile and think "Damn, this is cool"? I currently watch Red vs. Blue and various other DVD-rips, play Megadrive games, Supertux etc. I get the feeling the thing is capable of...
  4. P

    Fix The Firmware

    Is there much difference between 2.1.0 and 2.1.1?
  5. P

    Defective Sd Slot...

    Ditto. :-P I wonder if anyone around here is a member of the GP2X wiki - it would be useful to get this issue included under their "dud SD card" section, as well as a few others. I know, it's a wiki, I can edit it myself, but I'm not that confident with wikis - I would almost certainly screw...
  6. P

    Defective Sd Slot...

    Bump! Having had a thread of my own with my GP2X displaying the same symptoms, I finally got round to fiddling with telnet this afternoon, and it turned up the CMD17 error described further up in this thread. I had looked at the pins before but couldn't see any problems. Of course, once I...
  7. P

    Sd Cards - Deifintive Advice Please :-p

    I did have great trouble getting the SD card to sit securely at first - it seemed to take (and does still take) a lot more effort than I'm used to with these SD card slots. It does eventually sitand eject when pushed again however. I'm going to have a (non-warranty effecting) pock-around...
  8. P

    Sd Cards - Deifintive Advice Please :-p

    I did have a look at buying those £6 1GB Kingston cards from Amazon marketplace, but they wanted £4.50 in postage for EACH card. So that's why they're so cheap...
  9. P

    How To Rip Dvds To The Gp2x

    This is exactly the sort of program I've been looking for - nice and easy, just rip the ISO with DVDDecrypter and stick it through FairUse. Very easy to use and no more faffing around with settings I don't really understand. I think this is mostly because the GP2X is less picky about file...
  10. P

    Sd Cards - Deifintive Advice Please :-p

    I have indeed spoken to someone at They say the cards they use are "Integral" SD Cards (which, conveniently, seem to be twice the price of the Kingstons...), and each GP2X is tested with an integral card before shipping. I'm waiting for someone from the "orders" part of the site to...
  11. P

    Sd Cards - Deifintive Advice Please :-p

    Thanks very much for that. I'll have a poke around tomorrow when I'm feeling a little less brain dead. :P I got it from - seemed to be the official portal for UK stuff. I'm a tad annoyed as I've actually tried 3 different brands of SD card and all have the same effect. I'm...
  12. P

    Sd Cards - Deifintive Advice Please :-p

    Please assume you're talking to an idiot this Linux jargon...? :unsure:
  13. P

    Sd Cards - Deifintive Advice Please :-p

    When you say "only when I formatted one them to ext2 does it not appear browseable" do you mean it simply didn't appear, or did you get the same freezing problem I have?
  14. P

    Sd Cards - Deifintive Advice Please :-p

    Cheers for that. I'm in the UK though - would the thing work for me?
  15. P

    Sd Cards - Deifintive Advice Please :-p

    Hell, if I read everything, life would be easy, right...?
  16. P

    Sd Cards - Deifintive Advice Please :-p

    ...some reason I didn't get any reply notifications. I'm assuming my spam filter has blocked them, whilst letting through various emails about herbal *I AM STUPID SPAMMER* and hot lesbian pictures... Anyway, to the point: I got my GP2X today, and guess what? None of my SD cards work. I have...
  17. P

    Quick (possibly Stupid) Question

    Having played with my GP32 gp32_console for a few months (it's awesome, ain't it?) I decided to upgrade to the GP2X, which I've just ordered. One thing confuses me though - the screen resolution is stated as 320 x 240 at, but the maximum DivX resolution is quoted as 720 x 480...
  18. P

    Video On My Gp32 - Giving Me A Headache

    Thanks for the link. I'd tried there earlier I think - I got a sense of de ja vu anyway - and the file wouldn't download. Works great now though, thanks! Movie quality is quite impressive. One question though - the GP32 Newbie guide suggests doing 2 passes. I just set the compression type...
  19. P

    Video On My Gp32 - Giving Me A Headache

    Ok, new topic. Thanks to all those who commented on my previous problem - it was in fact the batteries after all, a combination of lower mHa-rated units and the fact I hadn't charged them in about 6 months. I am happy to report that DrMD is now working perfectly, and the GP32 seems quite...
  20. P

    Gp32 Gone Bang? for 15 minutes after the charger has finished, presumably because the batteries are now hot enough to fry eggs on. 15 minute charge my butt... *grumble* Anyway, I'll try the CPU speed change. What exactly does the frame skip thing do? Also, I'd like to try and eek a little bit more...