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  1. R

    Gp2x W/ Broken Joystick For Sale.

    Nope, no bad pixels. I did check out the replacement part route, but I didn't think it would be worth the hassle. The solder connections are very small.
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    Gp2x W/ Broken Joystick For Sale.

    :o Buddy at work was playing time pilot on it and broke the Joystick on my GP2X! He's paying for a replacement, so i'm putting the old one on E-bay: GP2X w/ Broken Joystick It's still good if anyone needs a unit for a joystick mod or parts. The unit works fine outside of the joystick being...
  3. R

    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    CPS2 does have my favourite side-scroller beat-em-up. Aliens VS. Predator. I have to admit, CPS2 emulation on the GP2X would make it "complete" for me. Heck, i'd just die happy right there.
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    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    ...3. It does write a .svs file but it is 0KB. So something is wrong. Although Golden Sun and Advance Guardian Heroes run pretty darn good! **Edit** My bad, it looks as though upgrading to Firmware 2.11 totally screwed savestates for every emulator I have. Stick to 2.1 and you'll be fine.
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    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    Is it just me or are savestates broken in version 3?
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    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    Try looking for a GP2X torrent site. It's there.
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    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    Tried out the European version of Castlevania: Arria of Sorrow. Works pretty darned good! I OCed to 266 w FS1 and it was very playable, I'd say maybe 70% of fullspeed with the sound stuttering. Too bad I can't turn the sound off though. It doesn't seem to save either. I believe vba2x generated...
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    I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

    Man the waiting is killer. Can't wait to try out some of the GBA Castlevanias. High Five!
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    Mame Gp2x 3.6

    Any chance on bios/setting implementation? I still can't continue in Jackal.
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    Yeah, I also totally applaud your efforts. This PSX emu on the GP2X is so close to being playable it hurts. However, it seems as though it's also one of the most challenging projects as well. Anyways, I sincerely hope that you'll continue the project.
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    Mame Gp32 2.3 Has Been Released!

    Rampage! Yessssssssssss!
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    New Vba-r Version

    GBA on the GP2X is seriously exciting. Just wondering if you could number your releases as there are so many, it's getting easy to confuse the latest version.
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    Drmdx V5b7a Released

    Definately a performance increase in Gngeo2x. Awesomeness.
  14. R

    Drmdx V5b7a Released

    Sweet! Time for me to upgrade to 2.1!
  15. R

    Mame Gp2x 3.2

    Sweet. Even more speed!
  16. R

    Squidgesnes 0.38

    Tried the Transhack. It does nothing to the black level. Just makes the rest of the game look all scanliney.
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    Squidgesnes 0.38

    Super Metroid Transparency Issue: It's on the 2nd level, after Cirrus Station. Just keep going down the level and you'll eventually hit a section that is completely black. I tested the same level on SnesGP2X and it was fine. Probably just transparancies being disabled. Wow, you even did a...
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    Squidgesnes 0.38

    Here are my tests with the following settings: - full screen scaling = on (I like it darn it) - showfps = on - frameskip = 0 - craig x's ram timings = on - audio processor = enable - overclock = 260 Super Ghouls and Ghosts: 35-50 fps in game Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium: 45 fps! Sprite...
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    Squidgesnes 0.38

    RAM tweaks?
  20. R

    Squidgesnes 0.38

    OMG! Can't wait to try this out. (I'm at work..... dammit). I'll do a bunch of tests tonight and get back to you regarding the sprite layering issue.