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  1. Todespreis down?

    Hey there! I can't Access the Site. Ist the sever in maintenance currently?
  2. Todespreis

    GP2X with broken LCD

    ...ID: 0xEC, Chip ID: 0x76 (Samsung K9F1208 64Mb) 1 flash chips found. Total nand_chip size: 64 MB Get Environment from NAND offset 0x70000 ... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial NAND read: device 0 offset 0x1a0000, size 0x40000 ...
  3. Todespreis

    My Experience with GP2X Part One

    Hey there! I thought, i would share some of my using experience with this handheld here on the forum. I'm using it almost every day, for years now. But i'm still struggling to understand, how it's working. Although i'm pretty old now with my 34 years, i did'nt start playing with GP2X right at...
  4. Todespreis

    serial connection (UART)

    Thank you for the fast reply @Linux-SWAT I looked yesterday like for an half an hour on your post and thought - what the hell does he mean? X-D But i see now - it's the last forward slash. I think, i found something to try out in german forum...
  5. Todespreis

    serial connection (UART)

    and i don't get the messages after echo - it says, /dev/ttyS0/ is a directory, but when i'm trying to access it, it says, it is not a directory. What? Why??? And why does screen not work? I'm already root on the device, what else should i do there?
  6. Todespreis

    serial connection (UART)

    Hey there! I'm trying to implement a RTC to my GP2X. I wrote a script for my arduiino, i have an rtc module, it works fine. But i can't estable a serial connection from the arduino to GP2X. From PC is everything fine - i can login via puTTY and have access to the complete device. Here is a...
  7. Todespreis

    Gmenu2x displayed time

    Oh, how cool is that! Thanks Orkie! Now it is a completely different thing and definitely worth trying
  8. Todespreis

    Gmenu2x displayed time

    @TeDaDeS thats actually the problem - the CPU is capable of I²C, but there are no drivers for it, at least i could'nt find any. And i'm not that good at c coding, that i could write one by myself and that leads me to the second problem @Orkie to solder an rtc module to the cpu directly would be...
  9. Todespreis

    Gmenu2x displayed time

    Hey! Thanks for the answer, yes, i know, the batteries... GP2X gets hard resetted every time, it goes off. But finally i found the layout of the EXT connection on the device and now i know, where all the pins are lying. And my idea is basically to put a microcontroller with an RTC and let the...
  10. Todespreis

    Gmenu2x displayed time

    Hey there! I'm just wondering, is it possible to display the unix time in Gmenu2x and not the time, how long the handheld is on? Is there a setting for it somewhere?
  11. Todespreis

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    Happy new year! News? Did ED not say, there will be news soon? But it's a month now already
  12. Todespreis

    Mounting the PND failed

    Thank you for the answers! @TrashyMG indeed i tried to boot the 1.76 image form software releases forum. Now i used one form the link you gave me. But i think the actual problem was, that my SD card was formated to ext3 and not Fat32. And now my touchscreen works pretty fine, bun i still have...
  13. Todespreis

    Mounting the PND failed

    I have 2 Pandora's with similar problem. I don't think, that both Nands got broken. I mean, that would be pretty strange, wouldn't it? 1668275286 But thanks for advice, i'll try it!
  14. Todespreis

    Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

    Didn't know, that the compiling tool already exists, thank you, ptitSeb!
  15. Todespreis

    Mounting the PND failed

    Okay, the squashfs file problem seems to be a known problem. Here asks someone about it on stack overflow and he says, that he is working on an omap cpu (Pandora?). It seems to be a problem with the iso file...
  16. Todespreis

    Mounting the PND failed

    Okay, he can't read the squashfs file. Now I know, what it is, but still - i have no idea how to get it. Do I have to install it? Or can I download it as a package?
  17. Todespreis

    Mounting the PND failed

    Hello there! And again some problems from newbie town ^^. This time with Pandora. After my Pandora got off, because of the battery, it is just not sitting tight. I couldn't start the Pandora, it had some kind of console menu, were i had to verify my self, it wouldn't work somehow, so I reflashed...
  18. Todespreis


    Oh thank you very much! The problem was actually that i wasn't root on my pc. So now i'm in and can test things out ^^ Here is btw the picture of my GP2X logging out of the serial session
  19. Todespreis

    Not a volcano... but...

    Oh man, i'm so sorry to hear that! I hope, you will recover from this accident somehow
  20. Todespreis


    Hi there again! So after many months of being busy, working and studying i'm sitting again with my GP2X and trying to connect it to my PC. So Orkie said, i have to try it out with Minicom. the thing is, i can't start it for some reason. Here is the output: nikolaj@keller:~$ minicom minicom...